INTEROPen is an OPEN collaboration of individuals, industry, standards organisations and health and care providers, who have agreed to work together to accelerate the development of open standards for interoperability in the health and social care sector.
INTEROPen aims to provide a forum to collaborate on the design and application of technical interoperability standards. The areas covered by the group include data exchange, data validation, defining APIs and governance. It is an action group whereby members commit to design, validation and demonstration using real systems.
Commercial interests are put to one side in the group’s activities.
To join INTEROPen please contact
For general enquires please send an email to the Care Connect Inbox at
The INTEROpen Forum
After becoming a member of INTEROPen, access will be granted to the INTEROPen Forum (hosted on Ryver).
The Forum has a number of threads that discuss a range of topics including governance and tooling.