Resource profiles and extensions used in Reasonable Adjustments use the following terminology resources
Consent.category (Example) uses ValueSet/RARecord-FlagCategory-1
– Identifies the Consent resource instance as being categorised as part of a Reasonable Adjustment Flag
Consent.purpose (Extensible) uses ValueSet/RARecord-ConsentPurpose-1
– Identifies the purpose of use (scope) controlled by this consent resource instance are for consent to record and share Reasonable Adjustments for provision of direct health care
Flag.category (Required) uses ValueSet/RARecord-FlagCategory-1
– Identifies the Flag resource instance as being categorised as part of a Reasonable Adjustment Flag
Flag.code (Extensible) uses ValueSet/RARecord-FlagCode-1
– Identifies the Reasonable Adjustment required
Condition.category (Required) uses ValueSet/CareConnect-ConditionCategory-1
– Identifies the Condition is categorised as an issue
Condition.code (Preferred) uses ValueSet/RARecord-ConditionCode-1
– Identifies the Impairment Condition (optionally) recorded for which the Reasonable Adjustment is applied. The broad Impairment Condition categories enumerated in are preferred, but specific coding, e.g. from SNOMED CT, may be used if desired.
– (Optionally) Identifies the UnderlyingCondition Condition recorded for which the Reasonable Adjustment is applied. Relevant SNOMED CT coding SHOULD be used to identify the UnderlyingCondition.
List.code (Required) uses ValueSet/CareConnect-ListCode-1
– Identifies the type of the List resource instance. Use of ‘1094391000000102 | Reasonable adjustments for health and care access’ states the List is part of a Reasonable Adjustment Flag.
Provenance.agent.role (Extensible) uses ValueSet/RARecord-ProvenanceRole-1
– Identifies the role of the agent, i.e. Practitioner, recording the Reasonable Adjustment Flag item.
.extension(consentingProxyRole) (Required) uses ValueSet/RARecord-ProxyRole-1
– Identifies the role type of a proxy recording consent for a Reasonable Adjustment Flag
.extension(removalReason) (Required) uses ValueSet/RARecord-RemovalReason-1
– Records the coded reason for removal of a Reasonable Adjustment Flag item
.extension(adjustmentCategory) (Required) uses ValueSet/RARecord-AdjustmentCategory-1
– Identifies the category of the Adjustment recorded.