An overview of the specific security requirements for FHIR API calls into the FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API via Spine.

Passing System and User Context into FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API calls

To support audit and provenance within the Spine, the information about both the calling system and the authenticated user MUST be passed into the Reasonable Adjustment API calls in the form of an OAuth Access (bearer) token - specifically an encoded JSON web token.

The general specification of this token, what should be in it, and how it can be generated can be found in the Spine Core API spec.

JWT Payload for RAFlag

Within this security framework, FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API calls should construct their Authorization Bearer tokens using:

Claim Mandatory Description Fixed Value Dynamic Value Value DataType
iss Y issuer No Yes [Requesting systems issuer URI] URI
sub Y subject No Yes [User Identifier
aud Y API endpoint URL No Yes [API endpoint URL] URI
i.e. URI w/o query string
exp Y expires No Yes [now + 5 minutes] UTC Date
iat Y issued at No Yes [now] UTC Date
reason_for_request Y purpose directcare No directcare string
scope Y Data requested No Yes [byInteraction]
see JWT scope
requesting_system Y Identifier for the system or device making the request No Yes [System or Device Identifier] string
requesting_organization Y Organisation making the request No Yes [Organisation Identifier] string
requesting_user Y Health or Social Care professional making the request No Yes [User Identifier

JWT Scope

FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API Authorization Bearer tokens use SMART on FHIR scopes to control resource access and permissions.
The scope required in the JWT Payload varies by Interaction:

Interaction Scope
Create Consent user/Consent.write
Create Flag user/Flag.write
Create Condition user/Condition.write
Create List user/List.write
Read Consent user/
Read Adjustments user/
Read Conditions user/Condition
Read List user/
Update List user/List.write
Delete Consent user/Consent.write
Delete Flag user/Flag.write
Delete Condition user/Condition.write
Delete List user/List.write

An example JWT payload for a Read Adjustments interaction

    "iss": "",
    "sub": "|[SDSRoleProfileID]",
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1469496987,
    "iat": 1469436687,
    "reason_for_request": "directcare",
    "scope": "user/"
Tags: rest fhir