High-level design principles related to the API design

Open API

Reasonable Adjustments has aligned with NHS England’s Open API Policy to support the ambition of moving to a position where significant business functionality, available within systems, is exposed through interfaces where the definition is open.

Architectural design principles

NHS Digital has a number of architectural design principles, some of which have developed based on interaction with the suppliers, others are based on an understanding of the technological maturity of the NHS at the present time and the other principals are based on good practice and a vision for the future of the NHS.

Core API design principles


Reasonable Adjustments has adopted the FHIR® standard (STU3) and as such the FHIR API design principles will be followed unless a clear rationale exists to amend, in which case any deviation will be logged and the rationale clearly communicated.

Examples of FHIR principles that Reasonable Adjustments follows are:

  • FHIR RESTful API principles will be used by default as this is the preferred approach by NHS Digital.
    • Synchronous endpoints using GET, POST and PUT HTTP verbs
  • FHIR operation APIs to be used in limited ‘set piece’ circumstances - for example, to pull bundles of resources without using the full generic querying syntax
  • Business identifiers (such as NHS number) used to resolve a resource’s logical identity
  • Resources represented as either XML or JSON as requested by the API consumer. To ensure maximum accessibility, Reasonable Adjustments is expecting producers to support both formats. However, since XML is on average 30% larger on the wire there is a preference towards use of JSON.
  • ETags for managing version-aware updates

FHIR Release STU3

This API Specification assumes both familiarity and compliance with the material presented in the HL7 FHIR® STU3 Documentation

Spine Core

This API Specification assumes and extends constraints and requirements presented in the Spine Core API Framework