All top-level Reasonable Adjustment resources use the same interaction pattern to read. Individual Condition resources, for Impairments, Threshold Code or Underlying Conditions, are not read/searchable outside their List.
Read Resource
Read Resource request - response
Given pre-requisites:
- authenticated, authorized RBACed Spine-User
- validated NHSNumber
Read Resource Request
For each resource type
patient=[nhs#]&status=active&category=RAFlag /HTTP1.1
Read Resource Responses
Consent resources
searchset bundle containing 0..1 consent resource
(or operation outcome if failure to find or process)
Flag resources
searchset of 0..* active RAFlag adjustments for patient
(or operation outcome if failure to find or process)
List resource
searchset bundle containing 0..1 list resource
(or operation outcome if failure to find or process)
Caching Reads
When a client does a Read operation to access a specific resource by ID, it may choose to include an If-None-Match
header to specify the version ID of the latest version they have of that resource (see the versioning page for details of version IDs) - for example:
If-None-Match: W/"25777f7d-27bc"
If the version ID specified in the HTTP header matches the latest held on Spine, a HTTP 304 Not Modified status code will be returned to inform the client that they already have the latest version:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2015 22:20:01 GMT
If a newer version of the resource does exist, it will be returned as normal, with the newer versionID as described above so the client can update its cache.
Similarly, a client can query for updates that have a Last-Modified data newer than the last time they queried, by specifying a date in an If-Modified-Since HTTP header:
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT