This page describes the RARecord-Provenance-1 resource. This holds details of the user recording information within the FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API.

Reasonable Adjustments - Provenance

The Provenance resource, profiled as RARecord-Provenance-1, records details of the healthcare professional recording the Reasonable Adjustment information, for audit and clinical attestation purposes.


Provenance is a contained resource in the Flag and Consent resources (and shows in the Contained section of the examples above). For these resources, Provenance is constructed and populated server-side.

For Condition resources, the Provenance resource is constructed by the client. It is contained within the List resource, alongside the Condition resources (rather than contained in).


target reference points to resource for which it captures Provenance
recorded instant time of create|update
agent.role codeableConcept role SHOULD use a value from RARecord-ProvenanceRole-1
agent.who reference(Practitioner)  
agent.who.reference URI points to a (not currently resolvable) SDS FHIR endpoint e.g.[UUID]
agent.who.display string holds name of practitioner
agent.onBehalfOf reference(Organization)  
agent.onBehalfOf.reference URI points to a ODS API endpoint e.g.[OrgCode]
agent.onBehalfOf.display string holds name of organization

Under this model, there’s not going to be a contained Provenance resource on Create of Flag or Consent resources (or for an Update, no Extension.updated provenance), as it’s constructed and contained server-side as part of the persist operation. Extension-RARecord-Provenance-1 Extension.created 1..1 cardinality has therefore relaxed to 0..1.