The FHIR profiles used for the Baby details (person) List

Heading Description

Birth details of the baby.

The following FHIR profiles are used to form the Baby Details (person) details list structure:

The following profiles are referenced from the Baby Details (person) details list structure:

Baby Details (Person) Structure

Page-1 Dynamic connector.2668 Patient Resource (baby) Patient Resource (baby) PatientResource(baby) ProcedureRequest Resource ProcedureRequest Resource ProcedureRequestResource Dynamic connector.2674 0..* R entry.item 0..* R entry.item 0..* Rentry.item 0..* R subject 0..* R subject 0..* Rsubject 0..* R subject 0..* R subject 0..* Rsubject Baby Details (Person) List Resource Baby Details (Person) List Resource Baby Details (Person)List Resource 1..1 M subject 1..1 M subject 1..1 Msubject Reference to Patient resource Reference to Patient resource Reference to Patient resource Dynamic connector.1542 Observation Resource Observation Resource ObservationResource Dynamic connector.1001

Maternity Data Standards Mapping to FHIR profiles

Mapping Overview

Data Standard Element FHIR Profile Mapping FHIR Element
Family Name Patient
First Given Name Patient name.given
Other given names (s) Patient name.given
NHS Number Patient identifier.nhsNumber
Local Patient Identifier Patient identifer
Phenotypic Sex (Baby) Observation code and value
Birth Order Patient multipleBirthInteger
Number of Births in confinement Observation code and value
Birth Weight Observation code and value
Locally calculated birth weight centile Observation code and value
Length of Gestation at Birth Observation code and value
Still Born Indicator Observation code and value
Rhesus Status Observation code and value
Suspected Congenital Abnormality Indicator Observation code and value
Investigations Requested ProcedureRequest code

The following tables detail how to populate the FHIR resources and the mapping to the Maternity data standard.

Mapping for Baby Details (Person) List

> Level 1 List Resource > Level 2 CareConnect-List-1 > Level 3 None
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Patient Reference

The Baby Details (Person) list has a mandated subject reference to the Patient resource. This means that any exchange of the Baby Details (Person) heading data must also include the Patient demographics List.

Mapping for Patient Resource (baby)

> Level 1 Patient Resource > Level 2 CareConnect-Patient-1 > Level 3 None
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Mapping for ProcedureRequest Resource

> Level 1 ProcedureRequest Resource > Level 2 CareConnect-ProcedureRequest-1 > Level 3 None
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Mapping for Observation Resource

The following Observation codes and value data types should be used for the Observations for the Baby Details (Person) structure:

Observation Code Value[x]
Phenotypic Sex (Baby) TBC CodeableConcept:
A snomed code from ^999002891000000103:Person phenotypic sex findings simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)
Number of Births in confinement TBC Quantity
Birth Weight Snomed CT: 364589006 - Birth weight (observable entity) Quantity
Locally calculated birth weight centile Snomed CT: 301334000 - Birth weight centile (observable entity) Quantity
Length of Gestation at Birth Snomed CT: 412726003 - Length of gestation at birth (observable entity) Quantity
Still Born Indicator TBC CodeableConcept:
A Snomed code from <302080006:Finding of birth outcome (finding)
Rhesus Status TBC CodeableConcept:
A Snomed code of ‘165747007 - RhD positive (finding)’ or ‘165746003 - RhD negative (finding)’
Suspected Congenital Abnormality Indicator Snomed CT: 1097291000000101 - Suspected congenital abnormality (situation) Boolean
> Level 1 Observation Resource > Level 2 CareConnect-Observation-1 > Level 3 None
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Name Card. Conformance Type Description, Constraints and mapping for Digital Maternity Implementation
Observation     Measurements and simple assertions
Constraint (dom-2): If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
Constraint (dom-1): If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative
Constraint (dom-4): If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
Constraint (dom-3): If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource
Constraint (obs-7): If code is the same as a component code then the value element associated with the code SHALL NOT be present
Constraint (obs-6): dataAbsentReason SHALL only be present if Observation.value[x] is not present
- id 0..1 Optional Id Logical id of this artifact
- meta 0..1 Mandatory Meta Metadata about the resource
The value attribute of the profile element MUST contain the value ''
- implicitRules 0..1 Not Used Uri A set of rules under which this content was created
- language 0..1 Not Used Code Language of the resource content
Binding (extensible): A human language. Common Languages
- text 0..1 Not Used Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
- contained 0..* Not Used Resource Contained, inline Resources
- modifierExtension 0..* Not Used Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
Slicing: Description: Extensions are always sliced by (at least) url, Discriminator: url, Ordering: false, Rules: Open
- identifier 0..* Not Used Identifier Business Identifier for observation
- - use 0..1 Not Used Code usual : official : temp : secondary (If known)
Binding (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known. IdentifierUse
- - type 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. Identifier Type Codes
- - - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- - system 1..1 Not Used Uri The namespace for the identifier value
- - value 1..1 Not Used String The value that is unique
- - period 0..1 Not Used Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
Constraint (per-1): If present, start SHALL have a lower value than end
- - - start 0..1 Not Used dateTime Starting time with inclusive boundary
- - - end 0..1 Not Used dateTime End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
- - assigner 0..1 Not Used Reference Organization that issued id (may be just text)
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used CareConnect-Organization-1  
- - - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- basedOn 0..* Not Used Reference Fulfills plan, proposal or order.
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used CarePlan  
    Not Used DeviceRequest  
    Not Used ImmunizationRecommendation  
    Not Used NutritionOrder  
    Not Used ProcedureRequest  
    Not Used ReferralRequest  
    Not Used CareConnect-MedicationRequest-1  
- - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- status 1..1 Mandatory Code registered : preliminary : final : amended +
Binding (required): Codes providing the status of an observation. ObservationStatus
This MUST contain the value 'final'
- category 0..* Not Used CodeableConcept Classification of type of observation
Binding (preferred): Codes for high level observation categories. Observation Category Codes
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- code 1..1 Mandatory CodeableConcept Type of observation (code / type)
Binding (example): Codes identifying names of simple observations. LOINC Codes
This MUST contain the value specified for the relevant Observation specifed in the table above
- - coding 0..* Required Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Slicing: Discriminator: code, Ordering: false, Rules: Open
- - coding (snomedCT) 0..1 Mandatory Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Binding (extensible): A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system describing a type of observation CareConnect-ObservationType-1
This MUST contain the value specified for the relevant Observation specifed in the table above
- - - extension (snomedCTDescriptionID) 0..1 Not Used Extension-coding-sctdescid The SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - - system 1..1 Mandatory Uri Identity of the terminology system
The element MUST contain the value ''
- - - code 1..1 Mandatory Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 1..1 Mandatory String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- subject 0..1 Mandatory Reference Who and/or what this is about
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
This MUST reference the Patient that is the subject of the Observation
    Not Used Group  
    Not Used Device  
    Mandatory CareConnect-Patient-1  
    Not Used CareConnect-Location-1  
- - reference 0..1 Optional String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Optional Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Optional String Text alternative for the resource
- context 0..1 Not Used Reference Healthcare event during which this observation is made
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used EpisodeOfCare  
    Not Used CareConnect-Encounter-1  
- - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- effective[x] 0..1 Not Used dateTime Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
    Not Used Period  
- issued 0..1 Not Used Instant Date/Time this was made available
- performer 0..* Not Used Reference Who is responsible for the observation
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used RelatedPerson  
    Not Used CareConnect-Patient-1  
    Not Used CareConnect-Organization-1  
    Not Used CareConnect-Practitioner-1  
- - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- value[x] 0..1 Optional Quantity Actual result
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
This MUST use the value datatype specified for the relevant Observation specifed in the table above
    Optional CodeableConcept  
    Optional String  
    Optional Boolean  
    Optional Range  
    Optional Ratio  
    Optional SampledData  
    Optional Attachment  
    Optional Time  
    Optional dateTime  
    Optional Period  
- dataAbsentReason 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Why the result is missing
Binding (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing. Observation Value Absent Reason
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- interpretation 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept High, low, normal, etc.
Binding (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations. Observation Interpretation Codes
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- comment 0..1 Not Used String Comments about result
- bodySite 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Observed body part
Binding (example): Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality. SNOMED CT Body Structures
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Slicing: Discriminator: code, Ordering: false, Rules: Open
- - coding (snomedCT) 0..1 Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - extension (snomedCTDescriptionID) 0..1 Not Used Extension-coding-sctdescid The SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - - system 1..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
The element MUST contain the value ''
- - - code 1..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 1..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- method 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept How it was done
Binding (example): Methods for simple observations. Observation Methods
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Slicing: Discriminator: code, Ordering: false, Rules: Open
- - coding (snomedCT) 0..1 Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Binding (preferred): A code from SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK CareConnect-ObservationMethod-1
- - - extension (snomedCTDescriptionID) 0..1 Not Used Extension-coding-sctdescid The SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - - system 1..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
The element MUST contain the value ''
- - - code 1..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 1..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- specimen 0..1 Not Used Reference Specimen used for this observation
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used Specimen  
- - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- device 0..1 Not Used Reference (Measurement) Device
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used Device  
    Not Used DeviceMetric  
- - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- referenceRange 0..* Not Used BackboneElement Provides guide for interpretation
Constraint (obs-3): Must have at least a low or a high or text
- - modifierExtension 0..* Not Used Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - low 0..1 Not Used Quantity ( SimpleQuantity ) Low Range, if relevant
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
Constraint (sqty-1): The comparator is not used on a SimpleQuantity
- - - value 0..1 Not Used Decimal Numerical value (with implicit precision)
- - - unit 0..1 Not Used String Unit representation
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri System that defines coded unit form
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Coded form of the unit
- - high 0..1 Not Used Quantity ( SimpleQuantity ) High Range, if relevant
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
Constraint (sqty-1): The comparator is not used on a SimpleQuantity
- - - value 0..1 Not Used Decimal Numerical value (with implicit precision)
- - - unit 0..1 Not Used String Unit representation
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri System that defines coded unit form
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Coded form of the unit
- - type 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Reference range qualifier
Binding (extensible): Code for the meaning of a reference range. Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes
- - - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- - appliesTo 0..* Not Used CodeableConcept Reference range population
Binding (example): Codes identifying the population the reference range applies to. Observation Reference Range Applies To Codes
- - - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- - age 0..1 Not Used Range Applicable age range, if relevant
Constraint (rng-2): If present, low SHALL have a lower value than high
- - - low 0..1 Not Used Quantity ( SimpleQuantity ) Low limit
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
Constraint (sqty-1): The comparator is not used on a SimpleQuantity
- - - - value 0..1 Not Used Decimal Numerical value (with implicit precision)
- - - - unit 0..1 Not Used String Unit representation
- - - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri System that defines coded unit form
- - - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Coded form of the unit
- - - high 0..1 Not Used Quantity ( SimpleQuantity ) High limit
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
Constraint (sqty-1): The comparator is not used on a SimpleQuantity
- - - - value 0..1 Not Used Decimal Numerical value (with implicit precision)
- - - - unit 0..1 Not Used String Unit representation
- - - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri System that defines coded unit form
- - - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Coded form of the unit
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Text based reference range in an observation
- related 0..* Not Used BackboneElement Resource related to this observation
- - modifierExtension 0..* Not Used Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - type 0..1 Not Used Code has-member : derived-from : sequel-to : replaces : qualified-by : interfered-by
Binding (required): Codes specifying how two observations are related. ObservationRelationshipType
- - target 1..1 Not Used Reference Resource that is related to this one
Constraint (ref-1): SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided
    Not Used QuestionnaireResponse  
    Not Used Sequence  
    Not Used CareConnect-Observation-1  
- - - reference 0..1 Not Used String Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
- - - identifier 0..1 Not Used Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Text alternative for the resource
- component 0..* Not Used BackboneElement Component results
- - modifierExtension 0..* Not Used Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - code 1..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Type of component observation (code / type)
Binding (example): Codes identifying names of simple observations. LOINC Codes
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Slicing: Discriminator: code, Ordering: false, Rules: Open
- - coding (snomedCT) 0..1 Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
Binding (extensible): A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system describing a type of observation CareConnect-ObservationType-1
- - - extension (snomedCTDescriptionID) 0..1 Not Used Extension-coding-sctdescid The SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
Constraint (ext-1): Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
- - - system 1..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
The element MUST contain the value ''
- - - code 1..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 1..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- value[x] 0..1 Not Used Quantity Actual component result
Constraint (qty-3): If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be present
    Not Used CodeableConcept  
    Not Used String  
    Not Used Range  
    Not Used Ratio  
    Not Used SampledData  
    Not Used Attachment  
    Not Used Time  
    Not Used dateTime  
    Not Used Period  
- dataAbsentReason 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept Why the component result is missing
Binding (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing. Observation Value Absent Reason
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- interpretation 0..1 Not Used CodeableConcept High, low, normal, etc.
Binding (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations. Observation Interpretation Codes
- - coding 0..* Not Used Coding Code defined by a terminology system
- - - system 0..1 Not Used Uri Identity of the terminology system
- - - version 0..1 Not Used String Version of the system - if relevant
- - - code 0..1 Not Used Code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
- - - display 0..1 Not Used String Representation defined by the system
- - - userSelected 0..1 Not Used Boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
- - text 0..1 Not Used String Plain text representation of the concept
- referenceRange 0..* Not Used see Observation.referenceRange Provides guide for interpretation of component result

Baby Details (Person) Heading Example

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