Summary release notes of the versions released in the UEC Digital Integration Programme Implementation Guide


  • Adding scenarios and examples for the 999 to 111 validation request.


  • The API guide has been expanded in scope to introduce the use of Encounter Report functionality.
  • Several resources have been introduced and profiled to support the use of the Encounter Report and related interactions; see the Resources section of the Encounter Report Overview.
  • The API guide has been expanded in scope to introduce the use of $Check-Services interaction. Several resources have been introduced and profiled to support the interaction.
  • For the $evaluate interaction, implementation guidance has been changed for a number of elements to support use of the Encounter Report and reflect maturation of the solution.
  • Several valuesets have been revised or introduced within the resources used in the $evaluate interaction.
  • Site navigation has been restructured around ‘interactions’ rather than ‘resources’; interactions are ‘Service validity’ ‘Select ServiceDefinition’, ‘Evaluate’, ‘Check-Services’ and ‘Encounter Report’.
  • The ‘In scope’ and ‘Out of scope’ sections of the ‘Introduction’ page have been updated
  • Updates have been made to the Clinical Safety assets, to support V2.0 scope and use cases, including the Clinical Safety Case Report, Clinical Safety Assessment and Clinical Safety Hazard Log.
  • Additional usage guidance has been issued across the guide to support the use of the specification
  • The ‘Concepts’ page has been updated to provide an explanation of the ‘Encounter Report’
  • The ‘Interactions’ page has been updated to include details of the ‘Check-Services’ and ‘Encounter Report’ interactions
  • The ‘Guide Versioning’ page has been updated to use the current approved Pre-release Labels
  • Minor amendments have been made to the text and layout to correct spelling and grammar and to add clarity


  • Evaluate ServiceDefinition interaction page updated, with cardinality of ‘inputData’ element updated from 0..1 to 0..*.
  • General minor changes to wording and grammar for clarity
  • Added a release specific addendum to the Clinical Safety Case Report and associated Hazard Log


  • ProcedureRequest Resource has been deprecated
  • Added guidance to state that all Assertions are to be Observation resources
  • Removed guidance pages regarding Encounter and Patient resources as they now follow CareConnect guidance
  • Further guidance and updates added on searching for a ServiceDefinition using additional customised SearchParameters
  • Added guidance on usage to the GuidanceResponse page
  • Updated HTTP 500 error with a more descriptive error message
  • GuidanceResponse page updated to show occurrenceDateTime represents date/time at which a GuidanceResponse is returned to an EMS
  • Updated valueset text and links on ReferralRequest page
  • Corrected name of ServiceDefinition.effective parameter in API general guidance
  • Updated API general guidance to align errors more closely to an OperationOutcome
  • Guidance amended regarding the ReferralRequest.intent element
  • SearchParameters resource page added with examples of SearchParameter definitions
  • RequestGroup resouce page added


  • Updated COULD to MAY in guidance
  • Removed GDS Stage - Experimental section from Guide versioning page


  • Updated Select ServiceDefinition page to show greater detail on how an EMS would select a ServiceDefinition from a CDSS
  • Made inclusion of reference to patient mandatory in the ServiceDefinition.$evaluate operation so a CDSS can create a CarePlan and ReferralRequest without error
  • Added implementation guidance on Encounter and Observation
  • Removed paragraph on Third party care from CarePlan implementation guidance page
  • Improved formatting and consistency of terms used throughout the Implementation Guide


  • Added glossary with specific Urgent and Emergency Care and Clinical Decision Support terms
  • Removed HTTP responses page
  • Added Communication channels specific to Urgent and Emergency Care and Interoperability Standards
  • Removed FAQs responses page
  • Updated Introduction to reference initiatives set out by the Urgent and Emergency Care Digital Integration Programme
  • Updated Introduction in scope and out of scope sections
  • Updated Introduction page with Note to Implementers to welcome feedback on the Implementation Guide
  • Amended Concepts page to reflect details of key concepts relating to the Encounter Management System and the Clinical Decision Support System
  • Updated Interactions page to reflect use of term ‘Result’ rather than ‘Disposition’ and also to define a system user more clearly
  • Updated Interactions page to ensure the descriptive text better aligns with the diagrams
  • Added additional errors for Payload business rules to API general guidance page
  • Updated Security page to reflect use of Health and Social Care Directory as the NHS Digital Authorisation server
  • Updated Security page diagram to reflect actions by Consumer, Provider and Authorisation server
  • Made inclusion of reference to patient non-mandatory in the ServiceDefinition.$evaluate operation
  • Added guidance on creation of resources on Questionnaire/Response page
  • Updated structure of Result page to reflect the three main outcomes of a triage journey more clearly
  • Updated GuidanceResponse.outputParameters guidance on GuidanceResponse page to reflect detail of how this element carries the state of the patient triage
  • Updated GuidanceResponse.dataRequirement guidance on GuidanceResponse page to reflect different evaluation scenarios
  • Added section on Time Out to the General API Guidance page
  • Updated guidance ‘SHALL’ to ‘MUST’
  • Updated ServiceDefinition implementation guidance page to define concepts carried in a ServiceDefinition
  • Removed References section from resource implementation guidance and interactions pages
  • Removed Assurance page from Implementation Guide and added Assurance as Out of scope on Introduction page
  • Amended FHIR Resources menu tab to read Resources


  • Added further guidance relating to the userType, initiatingPerson and recipientPerson parameters for the ServiceDefinition.$evaluate operation.
  • Removed FHIR API guidance from the menu and moved HTTP responses page
  • Added recommendations arising from initial review of specification
  • Updated Result page to reflect revised approach to re-directing to a new ServiceDefinition
  • Updated implementation guidance on GuidanceResponse with revised guidance on population of the dataRequirement element
  • Removed page outlining implementation guidance on an ActivityDefinition
  • Updated Questionnaire/Response interaction page with sections on QuestionnaireResponse and Observation
  • Added page outlining implementation guidance on QuestionnaireResponse
  • Updated API guidance to reflect amendments relating to Resource not found error


  • Separated implementation guidance for resources from Interaction pages
  • Created new menu link for FHIR resources to contain resource implementation guidance
  • Amended menu titles for Interaction pages to reflect the main interactions
  • Added updated interactions diagram
  • Updated security page
  • Updated general API guidance page


  • Added implementation guidance for a CarePlan
  • Added implementation guidance for a Questionnaire
  • Added implementation guidance for an ActivityDefinition
  • Added menu link for Result


  • Added implementation guidance for a ServiceDefinition


  • Added further details to GuidanceResponse status element section
  • Added further details relating to use of RequestGroup to GuidanceResponse page
  • Added Triage recommendation page
  • Added initial details to Care Advice recommendation page
  • Added initial details to Redirect Service Definition page
  • Added ProcedureRequest section to Triage recommendation page


  • Added API guidance relating to security and use of JSON Web Tokens
  • Removed API guidance relating to Parameters pending further research on their implementation in the CDS context
  • Added further API guidance relating to resource URLs and http verbs
  • Added further API guidance relating to http headers


  • Added further API guidance relating to Unknown resource error scenarios
  • Added further API guidance relating to Parameters
  • Updated IN Parameters on POST ServiceDefinition page with CDS specific implementation guidance
  • Added detailed implementation guidance for a GuidanceResponse


Initial draft of the implementation guide

Tags: development