Determine if a CDSS is able to provide valid ServiceDefinitions for a given context

Service Validity Interaction

This is a FHIR Operation performed by an EMS. It is performed at the ServiceDefinition resource type level at the start of a triage journey in order to check whether this CDSS is able to provide ServiceDefinitions appropriate for the current journey.

The $isValid operation in the context of the CDS API Implementation Guide is modelled as UEC-IsValid-Operation-1.

Request Headers

The following HTTP request headers are supported for this interaction:

Header Value Conformance
Accept The Accept header indicates the format of the response the client is able to understand, this will be one of the following application/fhir+json or application/fhir+xml. See the RESTful API Content types section. MAY
Authorization The Authorization header MUST carry a base64url encoded JSON web token. See the RESTful API Security section. MUST

POST Operation

The $isValid operation is performed by an HTTP POST command as shown:


The $isValid operation has four IN and one OUT parameter. The EMS will pass the patient CCG (as an ODS code) as an IN parameter to include in the operation. The CDSS will return a boolean as the OUT parameter of the operation.

The required ODS code matches the ODS Organization Code of the Patient’s General Practitioner (Patient.generalPractitioner).

IN Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Description Conformance Implementation Guidance
requestId 0..1 id An optional client-provided identifier to track the request. This SHOULD be populated If populated then each invocation of the $isValid method MUST use a unique requestId
ODSCode 1..1 Identifier The validity of the CDSS is based on the current patient's registered GP. This MUST be populated with the current patient's registered GP The validity of the CDSS is based on the current patient's registered GP.
evaluateAtDateTime 0..1 datetime The date time for which the evaluation should be carried out This SHOULD be populated. This will normally be now, but can be set to future (or past) dates and times to check whether a service is expected to be available in the future
dateOfBirth 0..1 datetime Patient's date of birth This SHOULD be populated with the current patient's date of birth Some services may only be valid for adults, or for particular age ranges

OUT Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
return 1..1 boolean The output is a boolean - true if the CDSS is valid for this patient at this time, and false if not.

Response from CDSS##


  • MUST return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successsful execution of the operation.

  • MUST return a boolean .


The following errors can be triggered when performing this operation:

Tags: rest fhir api