RequestGroup resource implementation guidance

RequestGroup: Implementation Guidance


The RequestGroup resource is a container for 0..1 referral requests and 0..* care plans.

Detailed implementation guidance for a RequestGroup resource in the scope of this implementation guide is given below:

Name Cardinality Type FHIR Documentation CDS Implementation Guidance
id 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact Note that this will always be populated except when the resource is being created (initial creation call)
meta 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
implicitRules 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
language 0..1 code Language of the resource content.
Common Languages (Extensible but limited to All Languages)
text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources This SHOULD NOT be populated
extension 0..* Extension Additional Content defined by implementations
modifierExtension 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
identifier0..*IdentifierBusiness identifier 
definition0..*Reference(Any)Instantiates protocol or definition 
basedOn0..*Reference(Any)Fulfills plan, proposal, or orderThis MUST NOT be populated.
replaces0..*Reference(Any)Request(s) replaced by this requestThis MUST NOT be populated.
groupIdentifier0..1IdentifierComposite request this is part ofThis MUST NOT be populated.
status1..1codedraft | active | suspended | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | unknown RequestStatus  (Required)This MUST be populated with either 'active', 'completed' or 'cancelled'.  Other statuses are not valid.
intent1..1codeproposal | plan | order RequestIntent  (Required)This MUST be populated with 'plan'.
priority0..1coderoutine | urgent | asap | stat RequestPriority  (Required)This MUST be populated with 'routine'.
subject0..1Reference(Patient/Group)Who the request group is aboutThis MUST be populated with the Patient.
context0..1Reference(Encounter |  | EpisodeOfCare)Encounter or Episode for the request groupThis MUST be populated with the Encounter.
authoredOn0..1dateTimeWhen the request group was authoredThis SHOULD be populated.
author0..1Reference(Device/Practitioner)Device or practitioner that authored the request groupThis MUST be populated with the CDS (Device).
reason[x]0..1 Reason for the request groupThis MUST NOT be populated.
reasonCodeableConcept CodeableConcept This MUST NOT be populated.
reasonReference Reference(Any) This MUST NOT be populated.
note0..*AnnotationAdditional notes about the responseThis MUST NOT be populated.
action0..*BackboneElementProposed actions, if any
+ Must have resource or action but not both
Where, populated, this MUST only be populated with a resource.
label0..1StringUser-visible label for the action (e.g. 1. or A.)This MUST NOT be populated.
title0..1StringUser-visible titleThis MUST NOT be populated.
description0..1StringShort description of the actionThis MUST NOT be populated.
textEquivalent0..1StringStatic text equivalent of the action, used if the dynamic aspects cannot be interpreted by the receiving systemThis MUST NOT be populated.
code0..*CodeableConceptCode representing the meaning of the action or sub-actionsThis MUST NOT be populated.
documentation0..*RelatedArtifactSupporting documentation for the intended performer of the actionThis MUST NOT be populated.
condition0..*BackboneElementWhether or not the action is applicableThis MUST NOT be populated.
relatedAction0..*BackboneElementRelationship to another actionThis MUST NOT be populated.
actionId1..1idWhat action this is related toThis MUST NOT be populated.
relationship1..1codebefore-start | before | before-end | concurrent-with-start | concurrent | concurrent-with-end | after-start | after | after-end ActionRelationshipType  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
timing[x]0..1 When the action should take placeThis MUST NOT be populated.
type0..1Codingcreate | update | remove | fire-event ActionType  (Extensible)This MUST NOT be populated.
groupingBehavior0..1codevisual-group | logical-group | sentence-group ActionGroupingBehavior  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
selectionBehavior0..1codeany | all | all-or-none | exactly-one | at-most-one | one-or-more ActionSelectionBehavior  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
requiredBehavior0..1codemust | could | must-unless-documented ActionRequiredBehavior  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
precheckBehavior0..1codeyes | no ActionPrecheckBehavior  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
cardinalityBehavior0..1codesingle | multiple ActionCardinalityBehavior  (Required)This MUST NOT be populated.
resource0..1Reference(Any)The target of the actionThis MAY be populated.
action0..*actionSub actionThis MUST NOT be populated.
Tags: rest fhir api