CarePlan resource implementation guidance

CarePlan: Implementation Guidance


Within the Clinical Decision Support API implementation, the CarePlan resource will be used to carry the care advice recommendation given by the CDSS.

The table below gives implementation guidance in relation to the elements within a CarePlan:

Name Cardinality Type FHIR Documentation CDS Implementation Guidance
id 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact Note that this will always be populated except when the resource is being created (initial creation call)
meta 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource  
implicitRules 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created  
language 0..1 code Language of the resource content. Common Languages (Extensible but limited to All Languages)  
text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation This MUST be populated with the human readable care plan. This will be displayed by the EMS to the user.
contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources This should not be populated.
extension 0..* Extension Additional Content defined by implementations  
modifierExtension 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored  
identifier 0..* Identifier External Ids for this plan  
definition 0..* Reference (PlanDefinition | Questionnaire) Protocol or definition  
basedOn 0..* Reference (CarePlan) Fulfils care plan This element MUST NOT be populated.
replaces 0..* Reference CarePlan) CarePlan replaced by this CarePlan  
partOf 0..* Reference (CarePlan) Part of referenced CarePlan This element MUST NOT be populated.
status 1..1 code draft | active | suspended | completed | entered-in-error | cancelled | unknown CarePlanStatus (Required) This MUST be populated with either 'draft', 'active', 'completed' or 'cancelled'. Other statuses are not valid. The status of the `CarePlan` MUST match the status of the `RequestGroup` which references this `CarePlan` When created by the CDS and 'sent' to the EMS, the plan has a status of 'draft' (interim) or 'active' (final). After acknowledgement by the user, the status of the plan is 'completed'. If a plan is displayed to the user, but not acknowledged, and the user goes back in the process (answers a question differently) so that the plan is no longer on screen, this should be 'cancelled'.
intent 1..1 code proposal | plan | order | option CarePlanIntent (Required) This MUST be populated with the value 'plan'.
title 0..1 string Human-friendly name for the CarePlan  
description 0..1 string Summary of nature of plan  
subject 1..1 Reference (Patient | Group) Who care plan is for This MUST be populated with a reference to the Patient resource
context 0..1 Reference (Encounter | EpisodeOfCare) Created in context of This MUST be populated with the Encounter for this journey, from the ServiceDefinition.$evaluate.encounter
period 0..1 Period Time period plan covers This MAY be populated in the case of advice covering a long period.
author 0..* Reference (Patient |Practitioner |RelatedPerson |Organization |CareTeam) Who is responsible for contents of the plan This MUST reference the CareConnect-Organization-1 profile and will hold the organisation details of the CDSS.
careTeam 0..* Reference (CareTeam) Who's involved in plan? This MUST NOT be populated.
addresses 0..* Reference (Condition) Health issues this plan addresses This MUST be populated with the Concern that is driving this care plan.
supportingInfo 0..* Reference (Any)   This MUST be populated with assertions or QuestionnaireResponses that are driving this care plan.
goal 0..* Reference (Goal) Desired outcome of plan This MUST NOT be populated.
activity 0..* BackboneElement Action to occur as part of plan - provide a reference or detail, not both This MUST NOT be populated.
outcomeCodeableConcept 0..* CodeableConcept Results of the activity Care Plan Activity Outcome (Example) This MUST NOT be populated.
outcomeReference 0..* Reference (Any) Appointment, Encounter, Procedure, etc. This MUST NOT be populated.
progress 0..* Annotation Comments about the activity status/progress This MUST NOT be populated.
reference 0..1 Reference
(Appointment |
CommunicationRequest |
DeviceRequest |
MedicationRequest |
NutritionOrder |
Task |
ProcedureRequest |
ReferralRequest |
VisionPrescription |
Activity details defined in specific resource This MUST NOT be populated.
detail 0..1 BackboneElement In-line definition of activity
category 0..1 CodeableConcept diet | drug | encounter | observation | procedure | supply | other CarePlanActivityCategory (Example) This MUST NOT be populated.
definition 0..1 Reference (PlanDefinition |ActivityDefinition |Questionnaire) Protocol or definition This MUST NOT be populated.
code 0..1 CodeableConcept Detail type of activity Care Plan Activity (Example) This MUST NOT be populated.
reasonCode 0..* CodeableConcept Why activity should be done or why activity was prohibited Activity Reason (Example) This MUST NOT be populated.
reasonReference 0..* Reference (Condition) Condition triggering need for activity This MUST NOT be populated.
goal 0..* Reference (Goal) Goals this activity relates to This MUST NOT be populated.
status 1..1 code not-started | scheduled | in-progress | on-hold | completed | cancelled | unknown CarePlanActivityStatus (Required) This MUST NOT be populated.
statusReason 0..1 string Reason for current status This MUST NOT be populated.
prohibited 0..1 boolean Do NOT do This MUST NOT be populated.
scheduled[x] 0..1 Timing
When activity is to occur This MUST NOT be populated.
location 0..1 Reference (Location) Where it should happen This MUST NOT be populated.
performer 0..* Reference (Practitioner |Organization |RelatedPerson |RelatedPerson |Patient |CareTeam) Who will be responsible? This MUST NOT be populated.
product[x] 0..1 CodeableConcept Reference (Medication | Substance) What is to be administered/supplied SNOMED CT Medication Codes (Example) This MUST NOT be populated.
dailyAmount 0..1 SimpleQuantity How to consume/day? This MUST NOT be populated.
quantity 0..1 SimpleQuantity How much to administer/supply/consume This MUST NOT be populated.
description 0..1 string Extra info describing activity to perform This MUST NOT be populated.
note 0..* Annotation Comments about the plan This MUST NOT be populated.
Tags: rest fhir api