$uec-report implementation guidance

UEC Report Interaction

This is a FHIR Operation provided by an EMS. It is performed at a resource level at the end of a triage journey against an Encounter in order to generate an Encounter Report.

Request Headers

The following HTTP request headers are supported for this interaction:

Header Value Conformance
Accept The Accept header indicates the format of the response the client is able to understand, this will be one of the following application/fhir+json or application/fhir+xml. See the RESTful API Content types section. MAY
Authorization The Authorization header MUST carry a base64url encoded JSON web token. See the RESTful API Security section. MUST

POST Operation

The $uec-report operation is performed by an HTTP POST command as shown:



The $uec-report operation has a number of parameters. The caller will select appropriate IN parameters to include in the operation. The EMS will return output Parameters containing the resources which comprise the Encounter Report.

IN Parameters

Name Cardinality Type FHIR Documentation CDS Implementation Guidance
requestId 0..1 id An optional client-provided identifier to track the request. This MUST be populated.
Each invocation of the $uec-report method MUST use a unique requestId
The requestId MUST be locally unique
isSummary 0..1 boolean true if only a summary of the contact is required - this will only return the Encounter and Patient resources

OUT Parameters

The output is a bundle of 1..* resources which form the Encounter Report. </td> </tr>
Name Cardinality Type Documentation
encounter 1..1 Encounter
patient 1..1 Patient This will be use the CareConnectPatient profile
referralRequest 0..* ReferralRequest The referral request for this patient journey, detailing where the patient has chosen or been recommended to attend next
triage class="highlighter-rouge">return 0..*Bundle List A composition of the triage journey, comprising references to Questionnaires, QuestionnaireResponses, CarePlans and a ReferralRequest
consent 0..1 Consent Patient consent preferences
flag 0..* Flag Flags, alerts or notes about the patient or the encounter
task 0..* Task The next actions that must be performed by the recipient of the referral request
supportingInfo 0..* Resource Additional encounter resources referenced in the Encounter Report. For example, Observations or QuestionnaireResponses referenced in a triage List resource.

Response from EMS


  • MUST return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successsful execution of the operation.
  • MUST return a Parameters response.
    class=”highlighter-rouge”>Bundle</code> of 1 or more resources, the first of which is an Encounter.


The following errors can be triggered when performing this operation:

Tags: rest fhir api