A summary of error message handling for the e-Referral APIs
HTTP Error Code Description Guidance
400 (Bad Request) The data received was malformed (e.g. missing/incorrect fields) Report the error to local service desk
403 (Forbidden) The logged in user is not authorised to perform the requested action (e.g. due to their business function not being authorised, organisation not having the appropriate organisation role, legitimate relationship, referrer rights etc) Report the error to local service desk
404 (Resource not found) The requested resource (e.g. A UBRN, NHSNumber, Attachment, Lock etc does not exist and cannot be returned) Check the search term entered was correct
405 (Method not allowed) An attempt was made to call an e-RS internal API using an HTTP method that the API does not support (e.g. sending a POST request to create data to a read-only endpoint that only supports GET) Report the error to local service desk
409 (Conflict) An attempt was made to update an out-of-date version of some data (i.e. optimistic locking error). Often caused by another user simultaneously editing the same record Reload the data, re-enter your changes, and try again
410 (Resource gone) An attempt was made to retrieve/update data that no longer exists (e.g. it did exist but has since been deleted) Check the search term entered was correct
412 (Precondition failed) A business rule assertion was violated (e.g. a search that is only expected to return a single entry such as find patient by NHS Number, returned multiple results) Report the error to local service desk
416 (Page not in range) A request was made to retrieve a specific page of results that was out of the range of valid pages (e.g. when paging through appointment slots) Reload the data and try again, if the issue persists report to local service desk
422 (Unprocessable entity) The data received failed validation and could not be processed (e.g. data to update/create or a search query) Report the error to local service desk
423 (Locked) The source or destination resource of a method is locked
(e-RS locks referral records while being updated in the Professional Application)
If the record was locked for updating then the version may have changed, check for latest version and retry the update operation
500 (Internal server error) An unexpected internal server error occurred Reload (relogin if necessary) and try again, if issue persists report to local service desk
502 (Bad gateway) An error occurred communicating with a gateway service (e.g. PDS, SDS, PAS etc) Reload (relogin if necessary) and try again, if issue persists report to local service desk
504 (Gateway timeout) The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server (e.g. PDS, SDS, PAS etc) Reload (relogin if necessary) and try again, if issue persists report to local service desk