

This endpoint has been deprecated, meaning you should not use it for new integrations.

Instead, please use our newer e-RS FHIR API solution which is documented here:


As an e-RS user working in an integrated system
I want to create a Professional Session in the Spine using my smartcard roles So that I can securely access e-RS functions through my integrated system

Resource URL

Method URL
POST {Base URL}/v1/ProfessionalSession
  • {Base URL} (Dev1) =

Prerequisite Conditions

  • HSCN / N3 Connection
  • NHS Smartcard with e-RS role(s)

Using the identity agent

Guidance on using the identity agent and authenticating with NHS Smartcards can be found at


Request Operation: Header

Field Name Value
XAPI_ASID The “Accredited System ID” issued to the third party

Request Operation: Parameters

Name Description
token Token from the Smartcard

Example Request Header


Example Request Body

Note: These examples may contain environment specific URLs and test data, these should be replaced with appropriate values for your implementation.


Response: Success

The response code 201 (Created) is returned. The created Professional Session Resource is returned with available user permissions populated.

Once the session has been created a list of applicable permissions for the user will be returned. The session will not be usable until a permission/role has been selected using the A002 Select Role endpoint.

The returned should be included as a header (HTTP_X_SESSION_KEY) for all subsequent requests.

Example Response Body

Note: These examples may contain environment specific URLs and test data, these should be replaced with appropriate values for your implementation.

Response: Failure

If an error occurs, the relating HTTP status code will be returned in the header.

Where status code 422 (Unprocessable Entity) is returned then an eRS-OperationOutcome-1 will be included in the body, as detailed below.

| OutcomeKey | Description | Suggested Diagnostic | | ———- | ———– | ——————– |