Logic for translating a dose-based instruction into a list of suitable product-based instructions

Refer to the Overview page for the high level description of the translation process.

Data Requirements


The dm+d data fields used for this process are;

NM NM      

Together with the FORM, ROUTE and UNIT_OF_MEASURE vocabularies from the dm+d LOOKUP data.

When dm+d data is imported into a relational database, concepts marked as INVALID or VMP concepts flagged as “not actual products available” may be excluded from the import.

alt text

Mapping between UCUM and SNOMED/dm+d

The following mapping table needs to be available to the implementing system. It is required to identify the units of measure within the UCUM standard that use different different codes to the dm+d.

For example g is a UCUM code for “gram” and the equivalent within dm+d is gram|258682000 so a mapping is required to associate g with the SNOMED code 258682000. This mapping table may need to be extended within a local implementation depending on which UCUM units are to be expected.

SNOMED/dm+d code UCUM unit
258683005 kilogram
258682000 g
258684004 milligram
258686002 ng
258685003 ug
258773002 milliliter
258770004 liter
258770004 l

Translation Process Logic

Step 1 - Get child VMPs of the VTM

A suitable SQL query to return child VMPs for a VTM, with optional Route or Form constraints would be as follows. This assumes INVALID concepts and VMPs where no actual products are available has been excluded from the database.

Step 2 - Calculate the required quantity of each VMP to fulfil the requested dose

Conversion between scaler units of measure, e.g. gram to milligram

A function is required to convert a VTM ingredient strength into the same units as the requested dose quantity. For example, if a required dose quantity is 12.5 milligram but a VMP for that drug is expressed with a strength in micrograms, e.g. 500 microgram, then that strength needs to be expressed in milligrams before the mathematical function can be executed. Thus 500 microgram would be converted into 0.5 milligram.

For example;

convert_units(vpi.strnt_nmrtr_val, vpi.strnt_nmrtr_uomcd, dose_uom_cd)

##Convert 500 micrograms into milligrams

SELECT convert_units(500, 258685003, 258684004) would return 0.5.

Within the dm+d, units of mass have the greatest range; kilogram, gram, milligram, microgram and nanogram. Due to this range, the data type used within SQL must be a DECIMAL(30,12).

Conversion is required for the following units of measure.

Category Units SNOMED Code Scaler Conversion
Mass kilogram 258683005 10^3
  gram 258682000 1
  milligram 258684004 10^-3
  microgram 258685003 10^-6
  nanogram 258686002 10^-9
Volume litre 258770004 1
  millilitre 258773002 10^-3
  microlitre 258774008 10^-6
  nanolitre 282113003 10^-9
Length metre 258669008 1
  centimetre 258672001 10^-2
  millimetre 258673006 10^-3

Function for quantity

A suitable SQL function to calculate the quantity of a given VMP to fulfil the requested dose quantity would be as follows.


doseQ is the required dose quantity, e.g. 12.5

num is the VMP strength numerator, but has to be expressed in the same units as the requested dose, e.g. both in milligrams

den is the VMP strength denominator which may be zero/null for some VMPs, so use a default value of 1

udfs is the VMP unit dose form strength value, which may be zero/null

Function for ranking / ordering

Uses the calc_qty function from above then calculates a ranking value which can be used to order the overall SQL query.

Where formid is the dm+d code for the requested dose quantity unit of measure.

The rules for the ranking are best shown in a table.

Calculated Quantity Ranking Ranking Reason
Integer 1 Can be fulfilled by one or more complete doses
Decimal greater than 1 2 Requires a number of doses include part doses
Decimal less than 1 3 Requires part of a a single dose
Decimal using a dose form typically not divisable 4 Unlikely to the clinically safe to use this product

By adding the calculated quantity and rank to the main SQL query, the suitable sort order is ORDER BY rank, quantity.

Identification of dose forms that are typically not divisable

The following dose forms are typically not divisible. This is not always the case. For example there are some modified-release tablets with a score along the centre to aid division, but in most cases, modified-release products should not be divided. The same applies for products as capsules. These represent the more common dose forms used within dm+d concepts. Other un-divisible dose forms may exist but their use would be rare, but this reference table can be extended or customised as required for a local implementation.

SNOMED/dm+d code Dose Form
385049006 Capsule
385054002 Modified-release capsule
385061003 Modified-release tablet
421720008 Spray

Complete Stored Procedure

Known Issues

Products (VMPs) where the VPI strength is expressed as an inaccurate decimal value

The vast majority of VMPs are defined with a Virtual Product Ingredient (VPI) strength as a whole number, e.g. numerator = 5 (mg) and denominator = 1 (ml). A small percentage of VMPs are defined with a numerator expressed as an incurate decimal value. Two examples are;

  1. Oxybutynon 3mg/15ml bladder irrigation vials, VPI strength = 333.33 micrograms / 1 ml

  2. Methotrexate 25mg/3ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes, VPI strength = 8.333 mg / 1 ml

This inaccuracy of values like 333.33 or 8.333 not being mathmetically the same as one third of a milligram means the mathematics used in these calcations does not result in a whole number. For example;

VMP = Oxybutynon 3mg/15ml bladder irrigation vials

Requested Dose = 1 milligram

Calculated Quantity = 3.003003 vials


VMP = Methotrexate 25mg/3ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes

Requested Dose = 25 milligram

Calculated Quantity = 1.041667 pre-filled disposable injection

It would be unwise to add bespoke logic to round up to the nearest whole number in such cases as this would require an assumption that this is the intention of the prescriber.

A possible solution that will be discussed with the owners of the NHS dm+d would be to expressed the strength in a way that uses absolute values. For example;

  1. Oxybutynon 3mg/15ml bladder irrigation vials, VPI strength = 1 mg / 3 ml

  2. Methotrexate 25mg/3ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes, VPI strength = 25 mg / 3 ml
