How medication and dosage instructions are defined within the CareConnect-MedicationStatement-1 profiled resource
Note: This page provides implementation guidance, background and context for use of Dose Syntax within CareConnect medication resources.
Implementation guidance for use of the medication resources themselves will be contained in forthcoming use-case specific Implementation Guides.
Implementation guidance for use of the medication resources themselves will be contained in forthcoming use-case specific Implementation Guides.
The CareConnect-MedicationStatement-1 structure definition contains a number of elements that are out of scope for this implementation guidance. Only those elements relevant to convey a medication statement with a structured dosage instruction are in scope of this guidance.
- medicationReference
- text
- dosageInstruction
A complete and fit-for-purpose CareConnect-MedicationStatement-1 example would need additional elements populated, for example a reference to the patient within subject.
See Overview.
See CareConnect Text Narrative.
See Dosage Structure.