Details of acceptance criteria to be used for assuring client implementations
Acceptance Criteria for Prescription Exemption Checking Client Integration
These acceptance criteria are written in Cucumber and are tagged with the respective functional requirement.
They will form the basis of assurance of client implementations. Tests in claim.feature
will need to be witness tested
Feature: Authentication and authorization requirements
These are acceptance criteria related to user auth. These may already be met by dispensing systems
Scenario Outline: baseline roles
As the data controller
I would like to ensure that only users with the correct roles can access patient exemption data
So that I can maintain the patient's trust
Given that I login with the role <role>
When I authenticate
Then I should have the baseline activities <activities>
| role | activities |
| R8004 | B0401 |
| R8003 | B0401 B0825 |
Scenario: Authorization
As the data controller
I would like to ensure that only users with the correct roles can access patient exemption data
So that I can maintain the patient's trust
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the user has authenticated with a role which does not include activity B0570
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: User not authenticated
As the data controller
I would like to ensure that only authenticated users can access patient exemption data
So that I can maintain the patient's trust
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the user has not authenticated with a role which includes activity B0570
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: User authenticated
As the data controller
I would like to ensure that only authenticated users can access patient exemption data
So that I can maintain the patient's trust
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the user has authenticated with a role which includes activity B0570
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will allow the request to be made
Scenario: User organisation included in request
I would like to record the organisation details of users accessing prescription exemption information
So that I can maintain the patient's trust
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the user has authenticated with a role which includes activity B0570
And the user has authenticated is working on behalf of an organisation
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the Authorization header in the request includes a valid JWT token
And the value of the requesting_organization claim in the token is the organisation's ODS code
Feature: Handling exemption check responses
Scenario: exemption service response included in claim message
I want the patient's exemption to be accurately reported
So that I can report the correct number of exemptions claimed to the health service
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then The exemption value given in the prescription exemption check response must be included in the claim message
Scenario: claim amendment
I want the patient's exemption to be accurately reported
So that I can report the correct number of exemptions claimed to the health service
Given I have claimed a prescription
And I amend a claimed item
When I submit a claim amendment
Then The system must not perform an exemption check
Feature: Demographics requirements
These are acceptance criteria related to patient demographics and functioning alongside Spine Demographics.
Test patients with prescriptions are available in the appropriate states.
Scenario: PDS attributes synced
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to sync patient attributes from Spine demographics with the local demographic record
So that accurate demographic data is utilised by the exemption checking service
Given that the Dispenser has downloaded a prescription
When the local record patient attributes are synchronised with Spine demographics
Then the following details will be synchronised: Usual name, usual address, date of birth and gender
Scenario: PDS attributes not synced
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to sync patient attributes from Spine demographics with the local demographic record
So that accurate demographic data is utilised by the exemption checking service
Given that the Dispenser has downloaded a prescription
And the local record patient attributes are unable to be synchronised with Spine demographics
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: PDS tel not synced
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to ensure patient telecom attributes from Spine demographics are not automatically synced
So that synchronisation overheads are kept to a minimum
Given that the Dispenser has downloaded a prescription
When the local record patient attributes are synchronised with Spine demographics
Then the patient telecom details will not be automatically synchronised including 'use' attributes
Scenario: Non synced patients not able to be checked
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to sync patient attributes from Spine demographics
So that an exemption check can be carried out
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the patient demographic record has not been synchronised with Spine
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: Deceased patients not able to be checked
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to carry out a prescription exemption check
So that the prescription medication can be dispensed with at the appropriate
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the Patient is recorded as deceased
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: Sensitive flagged patients not able to be checked (where flag available in system)
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to carry out a prescription exemption check
So that the prescription medication can be dispensed with at the appropriate
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the Patient is flagged as sensitive
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Scenario: Patient with demographics containing bad data not able to be checked
I would like queries sent to me to only contain valid deta
So that the service works as expected
Given that the Dispenser would like to carry out an exemption check
And the Patient demographics contain invalid characters
When the dispenser requests to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent the a request being made
Feature: Initiating a prescription exemption check
Scenario: patient under 16
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescripiton exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a Patient who is under 16 years of age
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: patient 60 or over
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescripiton exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a Patient who is 60 years of age or over
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: Patient a prisoner on release (when EPS is available for prisoners on release)
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescripiton exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a Patient who is a prisoner on release
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: Prescription where all items have CC prescriber Endorsement
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescription exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription is endorsed CC by the prescriber
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: Prescription where all items have FS prescriber Endorsement
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescription exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription is endorsed FS by the prescriber
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: Prescription containing a mixture of CC and FS prescriber endorsed items only
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescription exemption check for patients who have automatic exemption
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription contains a mixture of CC and FS endorsed items only
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Scenario: Prescription contains CC prescriber endorsed item and other non-endorsed item(s)
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to carry out a prescription exemption check as part of my dispensing workflow
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription contains CC prescriber endorsed items and other non-endorsed item(s)
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will carry out an exemption check.
Scenario: Prescription contains FS prescriber endorsed item and other non-endorsed item(s)
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to carry out a prescription exemption check as part of my dispensing workflow
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription contains FS prescriber endorsed items and other non-endorsed item(s)
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will carry out an exemption check.
Scenario: Prescription contains FS prescriber endorsed item, CC prescriber endorsed item and other non-endorsed item(s)
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to carry out a prescription exemption check as part of my dispensing workflow
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the prescription contains FS and CC prescriber endorsed items and other non-endorsed item(s)
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will carry out an exemption check.
@PEC-FR-23 @PEC-FR-25
Scenario: Automatic checking as part of dispensing process
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to carry out a prescripiton exemption check as part of my dispensing workflow
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the the system is configured with automatic exemption checking within dispensing workflow turned on
When I dispense the prescription
Then the system will carry out an exemption check without manual initiation
@PEC-FR-23 @PEC-FR-25 @PEC-FR-24 @PEC-FR-26
Scenario: Manual checking as part of dispensing process
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to carry out a prescripiton exemption check manually while dispensing
So that I have control over the dispensing process
Given that I have a prescription for a patient aged between 16 and 60
And the the system is configured with automatic exemption checking within dispensing workflow turned off
When I dispense the prescription
Then the system will not carry out an exemption check without manual initiation
Scenario: Indicate source of exemption information - information from exemption checking service
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to be able to see where information on a patient's exemptions has come from
So that I can answer patient queries
Given that I have a prescription for a patient with an exemption recorded in the prescription exemption checking service
And I have dispensed the prescription
And the exemption checking service has indicated that the patient has an exemption
When I view the information about the exemption used for the prescription
Then the system indicates that an exemption has been indicated by the exemption checking service
Scenario: Indicate source of exemption information - no information from exemption checking service
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to be able to see where information on a patient's exemptions has come from
So that I can answer patient queries
Given that I have a prescription for a patient with no exemption recorded in the prescription exemption checking service
And I have dispensed the prescription
And the exemption checking service has indicated that an exemption has not been found
And I have recorded the patient's exemption declaration
When I view the information about the exemption used for the prescription
Then the system indicates that patient has made an exemption declaration
Scenario: Do not carry out exemption checks for non EPS Rx
As a Dispenser at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like to not carry out a prescripiton exemption check for prescriptions where this cannot be recorded
So that the dispensing process is faster
Given that I have an EPS Release 1 prescription
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the prescription exemption checking service
When I request to carry out an exemption check
Then the system will prevent a check being made
Feature: Handling exemption check responses
Scenario: apply response by default
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be able to have exemption information applied to the prescription by default
So that I can continue through the dispensing process seamlessly
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the exemption information is applied to the prescription without further interaction
Scenario: print token for exempt prescriptions by default configured on
As NHS England
I would like dispensers not to print paper tokens where they are not needed for reimbursement
So that the amount of paper used is reduced
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the prescription does not include Schedule 2 or 3 Controlled Drugs
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
And the system is configured with print_token_for_exempt_prescriptions turned on
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system should print a token without further user interaction
Scenario: print token for exemp prescriptions by default configured off
As NHS England
I would like dispensers not to print paper tokens where they are not needed for reimbursement
So that the amount of paper used is reduced
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the prescription does not include Schedule 2 or 3 Controlled Drugs
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
And the system is configured with print_token_for_exempt_prescriptions turned off
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system should not print a token without further user interaction
@PEC-FR-40 @PEC-FR-41
Scenario: display exemption not found
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be made aware that a prescription exemption has not been found
So that I can ask the patient to provide evidence
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the patient has no exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system must indicate that no exemption has been found
And the system must indicate the need to obtain an exemption declaration and signature from the Patient or Patients representative
@PEC-FR-40 @PEC-FR-42
Scenario: exemption checking service unavailable
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be made aware that a prescription exemption has not been found
So that I can ask the patient to provide evidence
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the exemption checking service is unavailable
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system must indicate that exemption checking service is unavailable
And the system must indicate the need to obtain an exemption declaration and signature from the Patient or Patients representative
@PEC-FR-40 @PEC-FR-42
Scenario: exemption checking service invalid response
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be made aware that a prescription exemption has not been found
So that I can ask the patient to provide evidence
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the exemption checking service provides an invalid response
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system must indicate that exemption checking service is unavailable
And the system must indicate the need to obtain an exemption declaration and signature from the Patient or Patients representative
Scenario: Logging check in audit log
As a data controller at a Healthcare Organisation
I would like details of users using the prescription exemption checking service to be recorded
So that I can respond to subject access requests and investigate bad practice
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
When I request a prescription exemption check
Then the system must record my details as the user of the service in the audit log
And the system must record the patient details in the audit log
Scenario: Exemption found, user cannot override RTEC response
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be made aware that a prescription exemption applies
So that the prescription medication can be dispensed at the appropriate charge
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
When I request an exemption check and it is confirmed by the service
Then the system will prevent the user from overriding the exemption
Scenario: Exemption found, no evidence or decleration required
As a Dispenser at a HealthCare Organisation
I would like to be made aware that a prescription exemption applies and that further evidence is not required
So that the prescription medication can be dispensed at the appropriate charge
Given that I have a prescription to dispense
And the patient has an exemption recorded in the exemption checking service
When I request a prescription exemption check and it is confirmed by the service
Then the system should inform the user that a decleration or further evidence is not required