Overview for developers on how to integrate with the Real Time Exemption Checking Service

Development Overview

Functional & Non Functional Requirements

Integrating systems must meet the client requirements listed below:


All requests are HTTP POSTs of a json object with the following properties:

Property Description Data type Example
dob Date of Birth of the patient Date 2010-01-01
nhsNumber NHS Number which must be traced and verified with Spine Demographics String 9434765919
postcode Post Code of patient’s usual address String NE32JH
forename Forename from the patient’s usual name String Peter
surname Family Name from patient’s usual name String Parker
prescriptionId EPS R2 Prescription ID from the prescription String 471BC8-P83027-34B75X


The json response will contain a simple object with the following properties. Note that these properties are not ordered so may appear in any order.

Property Description Data type Example
message Exemption description or error which can be displayed to the user String Exemption has been found
type Exemption type which should be returned in the reimbursement claim for EPS R2 prescriptions String 9005

Error Handling

The Prescription Exemption Checking Service API uses standard HTTP response codes with further details where available provided in the message property.


User Authentication & Authorization

Systems are required to be implement Role-Based Access Control using the Spine Security Broker. The details of the user and organisation are included in an OAuth Bearer Token carried in HTTP headers.

Endpoint Authentication

No client authentication is required, and systems are not required to use a client certificate when connecting to the service. Clients must install the root and intermediary Certificate Authorities used by the service, and must validate the server certificate used by the service, ensuring that it matches the hostname of the service. Systems should be registered Spine endpoints in order to provide their ASID in the request header.

Tags: development