Testing Scenarios

For further information regarding VoT (Vectors of Trust), Proofing Levels or user journeys, refer to the NHS login Integration Toolkit.

Any test data requests to support these scenarios can be requested from NHS login via the NHS login Developer Support Slack.

Note: If you support more than one VoT, ensure you complete the test scenarios for each.

Testing Scenarios for P0

These scenarios should be completed by all suppliers that support a proofing level of P0.

Generic Scenarios (Mandatory)

  • Confirm access to NHS login settings page
  • Test the scenario where a user chooses to not accept consent to share with NHS login and ensure a suitable message is displayed to the user from the service.
  • Supplier to request scopes that are not supported by their service and ensure invalid scope error returned to the user.
  • Suppliers to check that the VoT parameter in the request matches the VoT parameter in the response from NHS login.

Registration (Mandatory)

  • Supplier to confirm that they can support registration at P0 with a P0 VOT
  • Where a supplier supports multiple VoTs these should all be tested.


Services supporting P0 VoT (confirmation that it resolves to their service)

  • Login with user verified at P0 user successfully redirected to P0 service and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P5 user successfully redirected to P0 service and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P9 user successfully redirected to P0 service and the correct scopes are presented on the consent screen

PYI (Optional and for awareness only)

  • Suppliers should be aware of the PYI journey to be able to provide basic support to their users.

Testing Scenarios for P5

These scenarios should be completed by all suppliers that support a proofing level of P5.

Generic Scenarios (Mandatory)

  • Confirm access to NHS login settings page
  • Test the scenario where a user chooses to not accept consent to share with NHS login and ensure a suitable message is displayed to the user from the service.
  • Supplier to request scopes that are not supported by their service, invalid scope error returned to the user.
  • Suppliers to check that the VOT parameter in the request matches the VOT parameter in the response from NHS login.

Registration (Mandatory)

  • Supplier to confirm that they can support registration at P5 with a P5 VOT
  • Where a supplier supports multiple VOTs these should all be tested.


Services supporting P5 VOT

  • Login with user verified at P0 user asked to uplift to P5, user then successfully redirected to P5 service, and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P5 user successfully redirected to P5 service and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P9 user successfully redirected to P5 service and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen

PYI (Optional and for awareness only)

  • Suppliers should be aware of the PYI journey to be able to provide basic support to their users.

Testing Scenarios for P9

These scenarios should be completed by all suppliers that support a proofing level of P9.

Generic Scenarios (Mandatory)

  • Confirm access to NHS login settings page
  • Test the scenario where a user chooses to not accept consent to share with NHS login and ensure a suitable message is displayed to the user from the service.
  • Supplier to request scopes that are not supported by their service, invalid scope error returned to the user.
  • Suppliers to check that the VOT parameter in the request matches the VOT parameter in the response from NHS login.

Registration (Mandatory)

  • Supplier to confirm that they can support registration at P9 with a P9 VOT
  • Where a supplier supports multiple VOTs these should all be tested.


Non-IM1 Service supporting P9 VOT (Mandatory where applicable)

  • Login with user verified at P0 user asked to uplift to P9, user then successfully redirected to P9 Non-IM1 service, and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P5 user asked to uplift to P9, user then successfully redirected to P9 Non-IM1 service, and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen
  • Login with user verified at P9 user successfully redirected to P9 Non-IM1 service and the correct scopes are presented on consent screen

IM1 Service supporting P9 VOT (Mandatory where applicable)

  • Login with user verified at P0 user asked to uplift to P9, user then successfully linked to GP account and redirected to P9 IM1 service.
  • Login with user verified at P5 user asked to uplift to P9, user then successfully linked to GP account and redirected to P9 IM1 service.
  • Login with user verified at P9 user then successfully linked to GP account and redirected to P9 IM1 service.
  • Login with a user with invalid IM1 details, confirm user is unable to access GP Online Services.

PYI (Optional and for awareness only)

  • Suppliers should be aware of the PYI journey to be able to provide basic support to their users.

Glossary of Terms

Syntax Description
VoT Vector of Trust
PYI Prove your Identity
POL Patient Online
IM1 Interface Mechanisms
P0 Proofing level 0
P5 Proofing level 5
P9 Proofing level 9
Service/s Supplier service either a website or Mobile App

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