NHS login user settings
Managing NHS login
NHS login provides capability for users to change their NHS login account settings online, help reducing calls into partner service support desks.
To enable this, users must be logged into the partner service. The partner service needs to create a Single Sign On (SSO) link from their service to the NHS login settings page. Users must not need to re-authenticate to access the settings page.
NHS login currently allows users to:
- change email
- change password
- add and change mobile phone number
- add and change landline number
- set up a passkey
- remove a passkey
Higher level verification (P9) access allows users to:
- update email address in Personal Demographics Service (PDS)
- update mobile phone number in Personal Demographics Service (PDS)
User settings page links
Production: https://settings.login.nhs.uk
Sandpit: https://settings.sandpit.signin.nhs.uk
Integration: https://settings.aos.signin.nhs.uk
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