Details the Get a specific appointment

Use case

A system requests a specific appointment from a Provider system.


  • Utilises a JSON Web Token (JWT) to transmit Consumer system identity and authorisation details.
  • Is routed through the SSP (Spine secure Proxy)
  • Utilises TLS Mutual Authentication for system level authentication.

RESTful Query

The request body is sent using an http GET method.

The following query demonstrates a request:

http://[FHIR base URL]/Appointment/eef4f241-e276-4c9e-8d1f-6d12dcdc0086

The following query demonstrates a version specific request:

http://[FHIR base URL]/Appointment/eef4f241-e276-4c9e-8d1f-6d12dcdc0086/_history/2



A Provider system:

  • WILL return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successful retrieval of the Appointment.
  • WILL include the specified Appointment resource.


  • If the request fails because the resource does not exist on the server, the response will be a 404 Not found. This SHOULD be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because either no valid JWT is supplied or the supplied JWT failed validation, the response WILL include a status of 403 Forbidden. This SHOULD be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.

  • If the request fails because the query string parameters were invalid or unsupported, the response WILL include a status of 400 Bad Request.
  • If the request fails because of a server error, the response WILL include a status of 500 Internal Server Error.

Failure responses with a 4xx status SHOULD NOT be retried without taking steps to address the underlying cause of the failure.

Failure responses with a 500 status MAY be retried.

Response body structure

The successful response body WILL be a FHIR Appointment resource, meeting the appropriate profile.

From a provider system

Where the request is made against a provider system, the resource will contain the details as defined in Book an Appointment, specifically:

Name Value Description
id [id] Identifier of the resource
versionId [id] Version specific identifier of the resource
status booked | cancelled | entered in error Indicates the state of the Appointment.
start instant A full timestamp in FHIR instant format (ISO 8601)
end instant A full timestamp in FHIR instant format (ISO 8601)
supportingInformation reference A reference to a contained resource (see below) which describes an associated document.
description Call reason Text describing the need for the appointment, to be shown for example in an appointment list
slot reference A reference to a contained resource (see below) which describes the Slot for this Appointment
created dateTime The date and time the appointment was initially created in FHIR instant format (ISO 8601)
participant reference A reference to a contained resource (see below) which describes the Patient for whom this Appointment is being booked

Contained resources

The appointment resource retrieved from a Provider System WILL have two contained resources. Note that contained resources are given an identifier which is only required to be unique within the scope of the containing resource, and are referenced using that identifier prefixed with a Hash # character.


A contained Patient resource which conforms to the Care Connect Patient profile. This resource is referenced in the Appointment’s participant element, and is used to convey the details of the Patient for whom the Appointment was booked. The Patient resource MUST include the following data items:

Name Value Description
id Any Any identifier, used to reference the resource from the Appointment.Participant element
identifier NHS Number The Patient’s NHS Number* as defined in the Care Connect Patient profile
name Patient’s name Name as retrieved from PDS, including Prefix, Given and Family components
telecom Contact number The number the Patient can be called back on
gender male | female | other | unknown The gender as retrieved from PDS
birthdate yyyy-mm-dd Patient’s DOB
address Address Patient’s full address as retrieved from PDS

*If you DO NOT have an NHS Number for the Patient, then you MUST NOT provide an identifier. NB If the Consumer does not provide a patient identifier, then the Provider system MUST populate this with their local identifier when accepting the booking, therefore making their identifier available in any subsequent requests for the appointment (e.g. search for Appointments for a Patient, cancel an Appointment etc.)


A contained DocumentReference resource which conforms to CareConnect-DocumentReference-1 profile. This resource is referenced in the appointment’s supportingInformation element, it describes the type and identifier(s) of any supporting information, for example a CDA document which may be transferred separately. The DocumentReference resource MUST include the following data items:

Name Value Description
id Any Any identifier, used to reference the resource from the Appointment.supportingInformation element
identifier see below Identifies the supporting information (i.e. CDA document)
identifier.system Indicates that the associated value is a UUID.
identifier.value [UUID] The UUID of the associated CDA (XPath: /ClinicalDocument/id/@root)
status “current” Indicates that the associated document is current. No other value is expected.
type A value from urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. Indicates the type of document
content see below Describes the actual document
content.attachment Describes the actual document  
content.attachment.contentType A valid mime type Indicates the mime type of the document
content.attachment.language en States that the document is in English


A contained Slot resource which conforms to CareConnect-Slot-1 profile. This resource is referenced in the appointment’s slot element. The Slot resource must be contained to ensure that when booking an Appointment the correct Slot and Schedule combination are marked as ‘busy’. The Slot resource MUST include the following data items:

Name Value Description
identifier See below An identifier that identifies this Slot
identifier.system Indicates that the associated value is a UUID.
identifier.value [UUID] The UUID of the Slot
status One of busy | free The current status of the Slot
start 2019-01-17T15:00:00.000Z The start time of this Slot in FHIR instant format (ISO 8601)
end 2019-01-17T15:00:00.000Z The end time of this Slot in FHIR instant format (ISO 8601)
schedule Reference(Schedule) Identifies the Schedule, which links the Slot to a HealthcareService, and optionally to a Practitioner and PractitionerRole

Sample response from a Provider system

    "resourceType": "Appointment",
    "id": "cfd9eba2-cc66-4195-a70c-10112ab1c838",
    "meta": {
        "versionId": "2",
        "profile":  [
    "language": "en-GB
        "status": "generated",
        "div": "Appointment"
    "contained":  [
            "resourceType": "DocumentReference",
            "id": "123",
            "meta": {
                "profile":  [
            "identifier":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "6b9c59dd-675b-4026-98db-f608ef501e6e"
            "status": "current",
            "type": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.",
                        "code": "POCD_MT200001GB02",
                        "display": "Integrated Urgent Care Report"
            "indexed": "2018-12-20T09:43:41+11:00",
            "content":  [
                    "attachment": {
                        "contentType": "application/hl7-v3+xml",
                        "language": "en-GB"
            "resourceType": "Patient",
            "id": "P1",
            "meta": {
                "profile":  [
            "identifier":  [
                    "extension":  [
                            "url": "",
                            "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "",
                                        "code": "01",
                                        "display": "Number present and verified"
                    "use": "official",
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "1234554321"
            "name":  [
                    "use": "official",
                    "family": "Chalmers",
                    "given":  [
                    "prefix":  [
            "telecom":  [
                    "system": "phone",
                    "value": "01234 567 890",
                    "use": "home",
                    "rank": 1
            "gender": "male",
            "birthDate": "1974-12-25",
            "address":  [
                    "use": "home",
                    "text": "123 High Street, Leeds LS1 4HR",
                    "line":  [
                        "123 High Street",
                    "city": "Leeds",
                    "postalCode": "LS1 4HR"
            "resourceType": "Slot",
            "id": "slot002",
            "identifier":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "1db79eb3-72f8-4569-a8dc-af8759797e0f"
            "schedule": {
                "reference": "Schedule/sched1111"
            "status": "busy",
            "start": "2019-01-17T15:00:00.000Z",
            "end": "2019-01-17T15:30:00.000Z"
    "status": "booked",
    "description": "Reason for calling",
    "supportingInformation":  [
            "reference": "#123"
    "start": "2019-01-17T15:00:00.000Z",
    "end": "2019-01-17T15:10:00.000Z",
    "slot":  [
            "reference": "#slot002"
    "created": "2019-01-17T14:32:22.579+00:00",
    "participant":  [
            "actor": {
                "reference": "#P1",
                "identifier": {
                    "use": "official",
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "1234554321"
                "display": "Peter James Chalmers"
            "status": "accepted"