Details the Book an Appointment interaction

Use case

A consuming system wishes to book an Appointment for a Patient into a previously retrieved Slot.


  • Utilises a JSON Web Token (JWT) to transmit Consumer system identity and authorisation details.
  • Is routed through the SSP (Spine secure Proxy)
  • Utilises TLS Mutual Authentication for system level authentication.


The request body is sent using an http POST method.

The body is a valid Appointment resource which conforms to the relevant profile, for full details of the payload body, see the Appointment resource details.



Where the request succeeded, the response MUST include a status of 201 Created. The response MUST include a Location header giving the absolute URL of the created Appointment. including the version as per the FHIR standard i.e: Location: [base]/Appointment/[id]/_history/[vid] where [id] and [vid] are the newly created id and version id for the resource version. Servers SHOULD return an ETag header with the versionId and a Last-Modified header. This URL MUST remain stable, and the resource SHOULD support RESTful updates using a PUT request to this URL. The response body MUST include the created Appointment, this response resource MUST include the newly assigned id and version id of the resource.


  • If the request fails because of a business rule (for example if the requested Slot is no longer free), the response MUST include a status of 422 Unprocessable Entity as described here. This SHOULD be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because the request body failed validation against the relevant profiles, the response MUST include a status of 422 Unprocessable Entity as described here. This SHOULD be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because either no valid JWT is supplied or the supplied JWT failed validation, the response MUST include a status of 403 Forbidden. This SHOULD be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.

  • If the request fails because the request body was simply invalid, the response MUST include a status of 400 Bad Request.
  • If the request fails because of a server error, the response MUST include a status of 500 Internal Server Error.

Failure responses with a 4xx status SHOULD NOT be retried without taking steps to address the underlying cause of the failure.

Failure responses with a 500 status MAY be retried.


This specification defines or recommends some custom headers that implementers can use:

X-Request-Id A unique id to for the request/response assigned by either client or server.
Request: assigned by the client.
Response: assigned by the server
X-Correlation-Id A client assigned request id echoed back in the response

The request id in X-Request-Id is purely to help connect between requests and logs/audit trails. The client can assign an id to the request, and send that in the X-Request-Id header. The server can either use that id or assign it’s own, which it returns as the X-Request-Id header in the response.

When the server assigned id is different to the client assigned id, the server SHOULD also return the X-Correlation-Id header with the client’s original id in it.

The headers can be useful in the event of any retries that is using the same request id. The X-Correlation-Id can be sent back with the original id.