The FHIR profiles used for the PDS Birth Notification event message bundle

PDS Birth Notification event messages are generated by the Spine and published to the NEMS when a birth is registered on PDS. The event message will contain the information available on the Spine which relates to the birth as per the guidance on this page.

Bundle structure

Specifies mandatory referencing within the Event Message Bundle.

PDS Birth Notification Bundle (open in new TAB)

The focus of the PDS Birth Notification event message is the CareConnect-Communication-1 resource. This indicates the Patient resource representing the mother, referenced via the event message Communication resource subject element. The baby in this birth notification is linked to the mother through the CareConnect-RelatedPerson-1 resource which represents the relationship of mother to baby. Additional information about the birth is included in the bundle as observation resources which are either linked to the mother or the baby

PDS Birth Notification Event Message Life Cycle

The birth notification event is triggered by a birth being registered on the Spine. The PDS Birth Notification event message will only be sent once by the Spine and the MessageHeader resource will contain a eventMessageType extension with value new. There will be no update or delete version of this event message.

Onward Delivery

The delivery of the PDS Birth Notification event messages to subscribers via MESH will use the following WorkflowID within the MESH control file. This WorkflowID will need to be added to the receiving MESH mailbox configuration before event messages can be received.


Resource Population Requirements and Guidance

The following requirements and resource population guidance should be followed in addition to the requirements and guidance outlined in the event message Generic Requirements page, but any differences in the guidance and requirements on this page take precedence.


The Bundle resource is the container for the event message and SHALL conform to the Bundle FHIR profile.

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type 1..1 Fixed value: message


The MessageHeader resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the Event-MessageHeader-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
extension(routingDemographics) 0..1 The extension will contain the details of the patient who is the focus of this event message where available on the Spine. If the birth was registered without the mothers details this extension may not be included in the resource.
0..1 the mother’s NHS Number identifier as entered in the birth registration. May not be included if not included in the birth registration which triggered this event.
0..1 The mother’s official names as included in the birth registration.
0..1 The mother’s Date Of Birth as entered in the birth registration.
extension(messageEventType) 1..1 Fixed value: new
event 1..1 Fixed Value: pds-birth-notification-1 (PDS Birth Notification)
enterer 0..1 This will reference the notifying Practitioner resource
responsible 1..1 This will reference the source organization of the event message.
For PDS events this will be a reference to a CareConnect-Organization-1 resource within the message bundle. *
focus 1..1 This will reference the “CareConnect-Communication-1” resource which contains information relating to the event message.


The Communication resource included in the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Communication-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
status 1..1 Fixed value: completed
sender 0..1 This will reference the sending organization of the event message.
For PDS events this will be a reference to a CareConnect-Organization-1 resource within the message bundle. *
subject 1..1 This will reference the patient resource representing the mother who is the focus of this event.

CareConnect-Patient-1 (Mother)

This Patient resource included in the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Patient-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
meta.versionId 0..1 This element will contain the serial change number (SCN) of the mothers patient record within Spine at the time this event was published.
identifier 0..1 The mothers NHS Number will be included within the nhsNumber identifier slice where the details were included in the birth registration.
name (official) 0..1 patient’s name as registered on PDS, included within the resource as the official name element slice
birthDate 0..1 The mothers birth date as entered in the birth registration
generalPractitioner 0..1 References to an organization representing the Mother’s Primary Care provider, the reference organization should contain the organization ODS Code, name and relevant contact details.
extension(registrationDetails).period.start 0..1 Date when the mother was registered with the organization.
extension(registrationDetails).period.end 0..1 Date when the mothers registration is scheduled to end if applicable.
link 1..1 This will reference the RelatedPerson resource representing the relationship between mother and baby


This RelatedPerson resource included in the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-RelatedPerson-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
patient 1..1 This element will reference the Patient resource representing the baby.
relationship 1..1  
relationship.coding 1..1  
relationship.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
relationship.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: NMTH
relationship.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: natural mother

CareConnect-Patient-1 (Baby)

This Patient resource included in the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Patient-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
meta.versionId 1..1 This element will contain the serial change number (SCN) of the babies patient record within Spine at the time this event was published.
identifier 1..1 Patient NHS Number SHALL be included within the nhsNumber identifier slice
name (official) 1..1 The babys name as registered on PDS, included within the patient resource as the official name element slice
gender 1..1 The gender of the baby
birthDate 1..1 The birth date of the baby shall be included in the patient resource
extension(patient-birthTime) 1..1 The delivery time for the birth
deceased 0..1 Deceased dateTime of the baby has died
extension(deathNotificationStatus) 0..1 The death notification status if the baby has died
address.line 1..* The address for the baby. Note: the address lines SHALL appear in the resource in order, i.e. Address line 1 first, line 2 second, etc.
address.postalcode 0..1 address post code
multipleBirthInteger 1..1 The multiple birth indicator will be an number indicating the position in the order of births, i.e. the first baby would be 1, a second baby for example in twins would be 2
extension(birthPlace) 0..1 The address of the place where the baby was born
extension(ethnicCategory) 1..1 The ethnicity of the baby


Resource Cardinality 1..1

The notifying practitioner for this event message.

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
name.given 1..* Practitioner given name(s) 1..1 Practitioner family name

CareConnect-Observation-1 (Number Of Births)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 382341000000101
code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Total number of registerable births at delivery
subject 1..1 The number of births observation will reference the mother patient resource.
valueQuantity 1..1 Number of Births in Confinement

CareConnect-Observation-1 (Birth Weight)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
category.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
category.coding.value 1..1 Fixed value: vital-signs
category.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Vital Signs
code 2..2 Loinc and SNOMED codes
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 29463-7
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 364589006
code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Birth weight
subject 1..1 The birth weight observation will reference the baby patient resource.
valueQuantity 1..1 The birth weight of the baby

CareConnect-Observation-1 (Gestation Age)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 412726003
code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Length of gestation at birth
subject 1..1 The gestation age observation will reference the baby patient resource.
valueQuantity 1..1 Gestation Age of the baby

CareConnect-Observation-1 (Stillborn Indicator)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 237364002
code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Stillbirth
subject 1..1 The stillborn indicator observation will reference the baby patient resource.
valueCodeableConcept 1..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept SHALL use a code from
valueCodeableConcept.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
valueCodeableConcept.coding.code 1..1 Relevant indicator code

CareConnect-Observation-1 (Suspected Congenital Abnormality Indicator)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed value: 1097291000000101
code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Suspected congenital abnormality
subject 1..1 This observation will reference the baby patient resource.
valueCodeableConcept 1..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept SHALL use a code from
valueCodeableConcept.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
valueCodeableConcept.coding.code 1..1 Relevant indicator code


The Episode Of Care resources represent the association of the Patient (baby) with organisations for:

  • Delivery Place
  • Registering Authority
  • Partner Child Health Organisation
  • Responsible Child Health Organisation

CareConnect-EpisodeOfCare-1 (Delivery Place)

| Resource Cardinality | 0..1 |

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
type.coding.value 1..1 Fixed value: delivery-place
type.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Delivery Place
managingOrganization 1..1 This will reference the associated Organization resource

CareConnect-EpisodeOfCare-1 (Registering Authority)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
type.coding.value 1..1 Fixed value: registering-authority
type.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Registering Authority
managingOrganization 1..1 This will reference the associated Organization resource

CareConnect-EpisodeOfCare-1 (Partner Child Health Organisation)

Resource Cardinality 0..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
type.coding.value 1..1 Fixed value: partner-child-health-organisation
type.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Partner Child Health Organisation
managingOrganization 1..1 This will reference the associated Organization resource

CareConnect-EpisodeOfCare-1 (Responsible Child Health Organisation)

Resource Cardinality 0..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type.coding.system 1..1 Fixed value:
type.coding.value 1..1 Fixed value: responsible-child-health-organisation
type.coding.display 1..1 Fixed value: Responsible Child Health Organisation
managingOrganization 1..1 This will reference the associated Organization resource

CareConnect-Organization-1 (Delivery Place)

Resource Cardinality 0..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type 0..1 The Delivery Place SHOULD record type of delivery place from valueset
identifier 0..1 Delivery Place Code, using the ODS identifier slice
name 0..1 Delivery Place Name

CareConnect-Organization-1 (Registering Authority)

Resource Cardinality 1..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type 1..1 The Registering Authority SHALL record type of authority from valueset
identifier 1..1 Organisation identifier using the ODS identifier slice

CareConnect-Organization-1 (Responsible, Sender, Partner Child Health Organisation, Responsible Child Health Organisation)

Resource Cardinality 1..*
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
identifier 1..1 Organisation identifier using the ODS identifier slice


The HealthcareService resource included in the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-HealthcareService-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 0..1
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
providedBy 1..1 This will reference the ‘sender’ organization of the event message.
type 1..1 Fixed value: PDS (Personal Demographics Service)
This will represent the type of service responsible for the event message. This will have a value from the ValueSet EMS-HealthcareServiceType-1

PDS Birth Notification Example

PDS Birth Notification with mother and baby details:

<Bundle xmlns="">
	<id value="85b9d933-b3e2-41a7-a8f2-f5ee7be4ee82"/>
		<profile value=""/>
	<type value="message"/>
	<!--Entry for MessageHeader with id, timestamp, event type, source, responsible/publishing organization, communication-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:7165ecd5-4abb-4dbe-922b-7c7db71accd4"/>
				<id value="7165ecd5-4abb-4dbe-922b-7c7db71accd4"/>
					<versionId value="1"/>
					<lastUpdated value="2017-11-01T15:00:33+00:00"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<extension url="">
					<extension url="nhsNumber">
							<system value=""/>
							<value value="1112223330"/>
					<extension url="name">
							<use value="official"/>
							<family value="DAWKINS"/>
							<given value="Sally"/>
					<extension url="birthDateTime">
						<valueDateTime value="1987-10-02"/>
				<extension url="">
							<system value=""/>
							<code value="new"/>
							<display value="New event message"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<code value="pds-birth-notification-1"/>
					<display value="PDS Birth Notification"/>
				<timestamp value="2017-10-02T20:20:00+00:00"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:60ed27f9-ff3a-4085-aa79-e4295e0f7c65"/>
						<system value="email"/>
						<value value=""/>
					<endpoint value="urn:nhs:addressing:asid:477121000323"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:4bbf44f9-1179-4e93-a949-01a39e711de9"/>
	<!--Entry for communication for the event message, with reference to subject and payload-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:4bbf44f9-1179-4e93-a949-01a39e711de9"/>
				<id value="4bbf44f9-1179-4e93-a949-01a39e711de9"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="completed"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:70e10b4b-9296-4cc7-816f-97b6fa676a04"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Sally"/>
				<sent value="2018-02-01"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
	<!--Entry for the Mother of Patient.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:70e10b4b-9296-4cc7-816f-97b6fa676a04"/>
				<id value="70e10b4b-9296-4cc7-816f-97b6fa676a04"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<extension url="">
					<extension url="registrationPeriod">
							<start value="2017-10-02T20:20:00+00:00"/>
					<extension url="">
								<system value=""/>
								<code value="01"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="1112223330"/>
					<use value="official"/>
					<family value="DAWKINS"/>
					<given value="Sally"/>
				<birthDate value="1987-10-02"/>
					<reference value=""/>
					<display value="SHADWELL MEDICAL CENTRE"/>
						<reference value="urn:uuid:d93aeee8-91bf-4da5-8658-ce86cfee4751"/>
					<type value="seealso"/>
	<!--Entry for RelatedPerson relationship between mother and baby.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:d93aeee8-91bf-4da5-8658-ce86cfee4751"/>
				<id value="d93aeee8-91bf-4da5-8658-ce86cfee4751"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="12"/>
	<!--Entry for the Baby.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
				<id value="dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<extension url="">
						<city value="LEEDS"/>
						<district value="WEST YORKSHIRE"/>
						<country value="ENGLAND"/>
				<extension url="">
							<system value=""/>
							<code value="A"/>
							<display value="British, Mixed British"/>
					<extension url="">
								<system value=""/>
								<code value="01"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="9912003888"/>
					<use value="official"/>
					<family value="DAWKINS"/>
					<given value="Jack"/>
					<prefix value="Master"/>
				<gender value="male"/>
				<birthDate value="2017-10-02">
					<extension url="">
						<valueDateTime value="2017-10-02T20:12:00+00:00"/>
					<line value="4 Sandmoor Drive"/>
					<line value="LEEDS"/>
					<postalCode value="LS17 7DF"/>
				<multipleBirthInteger value="1"/>
	<!--Entry for Partner CHO episode.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:d3b3bbb5-5aec-4a20-81d9-18ef901887a2"/>
				<id value="d3b3bbb5-5aec-4a20-81d9-18ef901887a2"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="active"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="partner-child-health-organisation"/>
						<display value="Partner Child Health Organisation"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:b27aea28-f478-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae"/>
	<!--Entry for the Partner CHO.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:b27aea28-f478-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae"/>
				<id value="b27aea28-f478-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="RY6"/>
	<!--Entry for Responsible CHO episode.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:500cd7be-41fb-4dd1-813a-656a20d68eec"/>
				<id value="500cd7be-41fb-4dd1-813a-656a20d68eec"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="active"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="responsible-child-health-organisation"/>
						<display value="Responsible Child Health Organisation"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:466bb1b3-d811-450b-852f-08f63a2e50e2"/>
	<!--Entry for the Responsible CHO.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:466bb1b3-d811-450b-852f-08f63a2e50e2"/>
				<id value="466bb1b3-d811-450b-852f-08f63a2e50e2"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="TAD"/>
	<!--Entry for birth weight observation.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:cf2cb0ba-5a8c-47bc-848b-7f15922e7bb3"/>
				<id value="cf2cb0ba-5a8c-47bc-848b-7f15922e7bb3"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="final"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="vital-signs"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="29463-7"/>
						<display value="Body weight"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="364589006"/>
						<display value="Birth weight"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<value value="3980"/>
					<unit value="gram"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<code value="g"/>
	<!--Entry for gestation age observation.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:9c4db6ba-1277-4671-8f80-35f40d39510c"/>
				<id value="9c4db6ba-1277-4671-8f80-35f40d39510c"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="final"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="412726003"/>
						<display value="Length of gestation at birth"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<value value="39.0"/>
					<unit value="week"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<code value="wk"/>
	<!--Entry for number of births observation.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:63a22522-7350-414f-afd2-8a1c1fdbb914"/>
				<id value="63a22522-7350-414f-afd2-8a1c1fdbb914"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="final"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="382341000000101"/>
						<display value="Total number of registerable births at delivery"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:70e10b4b-9296-4cc7-816f-97b6fa676a04"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, SALLY"/>
					<value value="1"/>
	<!--Entry for still born observation.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:77d20d38-4f10-4d7c-819a-72edf4cbdf82"/>
				<id value="77d20d38-4f10-4d7c-819a-72edf4cbdf82"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="final"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="237364002"/>
						<display value="Stillbirth"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="1"/>
						<display value="Live"/>
	<!--Entry for suspected congenital abnormality observation.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:8945a330-3bb2-4456-8ad9-2ca37e2575f6"/>
				<id value="8945a330-3bb2-4456-8ad9-2ca37e2575f6"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="final"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="1097291000000101"/>
						<display value="Suspected congenital abnormality (situation)"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="N"/>
	<!--Entry for Delivery Place episode.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:6d42e2f1-9142-4205-92b7-8b6cc7c77469"/>
				<id value="6d42e2f1-9142-4205-92b7-8b6cc7c77469"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="active"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="delivery-place"/>
						<display value="Delivery Place"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:986d1c21-11f3-4b01-b6a5-e38c85108b76"/>
	<!--Entry for Delivery Place.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:986d1c21-11f3-4b01-b6a5-e38c85108b76"/>
				<id value="986d1c21-11f3-4b01-b6a5-e38c85108b76"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="RR830"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="4"/>
	<!--Entry for notifying person.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:60ed27f9-ff3a-4085-aa79-e4295e0f7c65"/>
				<id value="60ed27f9-ff3a-4085-aa79-e4295e0f7c65"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<family value="JONES"/>
					<given value="JANE"/>
	<!--Entry for Registering Authority episode.-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:d27f9ce1-04c9-48b8-a4e6-1b1fc806ce80"/>
				<id value="d27f9ce1-04c9-48b8-a4e6-1b1fc806ce80"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="active"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="registering-authority"/>
						<display value="Registering Authority"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:dffd3330-dc21-11e7-9296-cec278b6b50a"/>
					<display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
	<!--Entry for Registering Authority & sending organisation -->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
				<id value="bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="RR8"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="c"/>
						<display value="NHS Trust"/>
	<!--Entry for service type within the Organization i.e. PDS-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:cabc41e5-0a30-42d5-bab2-18e0313c2025"/>
				<id value="cabc41e5-0a30-42d5-bab2-18e0313c2025"/>
					<profile value=""/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="PDS"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:bd9ede5e-78ea-421a-990f-a80e0bbf2692"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="PDS"/>
						<display value="Personal Demographics Service"/>

PDS Birth Notification event without mothers details:

<Bundle xmlns="">
	<id value="17eca9ec-c0f7-46b1-a118-147f11729b41"/>
		<profile value=""/>
	<type value="message"/>
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:0e1d52a7-8ab1-4fc4-adf0-ecc75073f4c4"/>
				<id value="0e1d52a7-8ab1-4fc4-adf0-ecc75073f4c4"/>
					<versionId value="1"/>
					<lastUpdated value="2020-01-13T14:30:55+00:00"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<extension url="">
					<extension url="name">
							<use value="official"/>
							<family value="AZERA"/>
							<given value="ROSA"/>
					<extension url="birthDateTime">
						<valueDateTime value="1990-09-09T00:00:00+00:00"/>
				<extension url="">
							<system value=""/>
							<code value="new"/>
							<display value="New event message"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<code value="pds-birth-notification-1"/>
					<display value="PDS Birth Notification"/>
				<timestamp value="2020-01-13T14:30:56+00:00"/>
						<system value="phone"/>
						<value value="0113 397 3970"/>
						<use value="work"/>
					<endpoint value="urn:nhs:addressing:asid:618729461037"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:a324be21-5e41-4d83-9f1c-29f19ae3a2d1"/>
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Tags: fhir