2.15.0 (23/01/2025)
Tyrosinaemia type 1 screening test added
Corrected code for Cystic fibrosis screening from “314080004 | Cystic fibrosis screening test” to correct code “171191008 | Cystic fibrosis screening”
2.14.3 (14/03/2023)
For all event message pages below, the links to the resource profiles have been updated to point to the new location where they are stored, no updates have been made to the profiles.
- Generic Event Message Requirements
- PDS Birth Notification
- PDS Change of Address
- PDS Change of GP
- PDS Death Notification
- PDS Record Change
- Professional Contacts
For the following pages, in addition to updating the links to the profiles new location, it is worth noting that the pages still references the CareConnect-CareSettingType-1 value set, but we have been made aware that the the SNOMED ref set this value set references has been updated:
2.14.2 (27/02/2023)
- Updated example where Bundle fullUrl to include “urn:uuid:” as prefix
- Updated example where Bundle profile contained “http://” rather than “https://”
- Added more detail on the way this event works with residential type generic subscription rules
2.14.1 (06/02/2023)
- Updated WorkflowID from “PDS_RECORD_CHANGE_1” to “PDSRECORDCHANGE_1”
2.13.0 (24/11/2022)
- Improved wording around subscription contact details element.
- Removed warning around overwriting generic subscriptions to align to functionality change.
2.12.0 (17/10/2022)
- Improved wording around death notification status to make the difference between formal and informal more clear.
2.11.0 (21/09/2022)
- Added “GPRegistration” criteria, which allows a subscriber to filter messages based on the GP registration status of the patient the event message is about.
2.10.0 (01/07/2022)
- Updated CCG to ICB inline with the change from CCGs to ICBs
- Updated CCG to ICB inline with the change from CCGs to ICBs
2.9.2 (30/05/2022)
- Corrected example messages
- Improved wording for rule types to make use more clear
2.9.1 (15/12/2021)
- Renamed “HSS” subscriptionRuleType to “COUNTRYCODE” to match the functionality that is present in the NEMS service
- Renamed “HSS” subscriptionRuleType to “COUNTRYCODE”
2.9.0 (30/11/2021)
- Update to HSS generic subscription rule to make acceptable values more clear
- Changed wording to highlight profile requirements
- Added PDS Record Change event
- Added details around the inclusion of the procedure performed date and time and the observation outcome date and time to help consumers identify the latest procedure results.
2.8.1 (14/06/2021)
- Updated example as performer in the observation contained an actor element when it should not.
2.8.0 (17/05/2021)
- Addition of SCID procedure outcome to event message
Generic Event Message Requirements
- Added additional guidance around element order within FHIR resources and conformance to schemas.
- Correction of wording around the encounter date to remove incorrect implication around what the date represents
- Addition of BCG Eligibility Status to the event message
- Correction of wording around the encounter date to remove incorrect implication around what the date represents
- Correction of element and resource cardinalities to reflect the event messages published by PDS. Scenarios where there was no previous GP, such as first GP registration, and scenarios where there is no new GP, such as in a de-registration.
2.7.3 (22/02/2021)
- Removal of Beta status from project
Subscription Information Governance
- Added S-Flag and I-Flag guidance to improve clarity in the specification
2.7.2-Beta (07/12/2020)
- Updated guidance on given and not given procedure use in the event message
2.7.1-Beta (08/10/2020)
Generic Event Message Requirements
- Imporved guidance around identifier use
- Updated event type extension name in MessageHeader to match FHIR profile name
- Added guidance around dateTime format as the FHIR spec regex has been updated and now contains an error
- Changed the status of the “Professional Contacts” and “Vaccinations” events to release candidate from beta
2.7.0-Beta (17/09/2020)
- Added optional
criteria element requirements to the subscription
- Added information on how the new optional subscription
criteria will be shared with the subscriber when they receive event messages, so that they can identify which subscriptions resulted in the event message being sent to the MESH mailbox.
Receiver Information Governance
- Added additional detail about the current Access Control requirements, to improve clarity and make clear the requirements for access to information received via NEMS.
2.6.0-Beta (28/08/2020)
- Added guidance around the on-boarding and assurance process
2.5.0-Beta (04/06/2020)
- Added a controller catalogue to help providers meeting their information governance obligations.
2.4.0-Beta (09/04/2020)
- Updated examples for generic subscription criteria
- Added new page for the Failsafe Message guidance
- New profile created > CareConnect-Task-1 as a copy of the base Task resource
- New extension created linked to the Task resource > Extension-CareConnect-IncrementNumber-1
- New extension created linked to the Task resource > Extension-CareConnect-FailsafeRuleVersion-1
- Resource Mapping Overview tables added to Blood Spot Test Outcome, Failsafe Message, Newborn Hearing and NIPE Outcome
i. Failsafe message added to specification
ii. New entries have been added to the EventType
CodeSystem (https://fhir.nhs.uk/STU3/CodeSystem/EventType-1) for Failsafe messages.
Code | Display |
failsafe-message-gp-1 | Failsafe Message GP |
failsafe-message-hvs-1 | Failsafe Message HVS |
failsafe-message-bloodspot-outcome-1 | Failsafe Message Bloodspot Outcome |
failsafe-message-nipe-newborn-1 | Failsafe Message NIPE Newborn |
failsafe-message-newborn-hearing-1 | Failsafe Message Newborn Hearing |
2.3.1-Beta (31/03/2020)
- Added missing encounter type to examples
- Updated encounter type in examples
- Added missing encounter type to examples
- Removed non ascii character from examples
- Removed non ascii character from examples
- Removed non ascii character from examples
- Removed non ascii character from examples
2.3.0-Beta (06/03/2020)
- enhanced subscriptions API to allow generic rule based subscriptions to be created using the NEMS subscription API
- Added event message to specification with addition of event life cycle
- Added event message to specification with addition of event life cycle
- Added event message to specification with addition of event life cycle
- Updated example to remove XML prolog for specification consistency.
- Added guidance around intended use of the event and risk as a result in difference in address format
- Corrected guidance and example of address lines and how they will be included (city and district)
- Updated examples to remove XML prolog for specification consistency.
- Update example to add the bundle resource id element
- Updated example to remove XML prolog for specification consistency.
- Added examples of
type event messages
- Updated requirements around
and the event code to include as there was a miss alignment between the specification, what is accepted by the NEMS and what current publishers are using.
- Updated interaction event codes in Event messages table to match the expectation in NEMS and what current publishers are sending with the request.
- Update example to add the bundle resource id element
- Added examples of
type event messages - Added example of Immunization Not Given
2.2.1-Beta (23/01/2020)
- Added guidance on the use of a value set for the episode of care type
Generic Publication API Guidance
- update “sub” claim case to reflect expectation.
- Corrected unclear guidance around the vaccinationProcedure extension.
- Added missing identifier to the example
2.2.0-Beta (22/01/2020)
- Correction to birth notification example where mothers NHS Number is not included. Also made example full message rather than just parts which were considered different to the example for where mothers details were included.
- Event maturity labels added to give developers a better indication of the chance of change to specific event types.
2.1.1-Beta (15/01/2020)
Warning: A change to element cardinalities within some resources
A birth can be registered on PDS without the mothers details, including her NHS Number. Previously the publication of these birth registrations as a
PDS Birth Notification
event messages resulted in an invalid event message being sent to subscribers. ThePDS Birth Notification
event message has been updated to support birth registrations without the mothers details, through relaxation of the cardinalities within some resources. Changes have been made to theroutingDemographic
extension in theMessageHeader
resource and within thePatient
resource representing the mother.For
PDS Birth Notification
event messages where there is no NHS number for the mother, these event messages will only be sent to subscribers who have a geographic based generic subscription and will not be sent to subscribers based on an explicit subscription.
2.1.0-Beta (09/01/2020)
- updated age criteria to include clarification on use of years
- Added additional guidance around the use of sequence numbers in relation to update type event messages.
- Generic subscription information moved to Subscriptions Overview page.
Generic Event Message Requirements
- Guidance added for population of dateTime elements and the use of time zone offsets.
- Added a section on use of
versions of event messages and how that links to the use ofidentifiers
- Page added to explain message content, contained data, linked data and missed messages
- Added new Professional Contacts event message
- Addition of guidance related to the maximum event message size that could be accepted by the NEMS
- Additional information regarding generic subscriptions added
- Professional Contacts event added to supported event messages
- Vaccinations event added to the supported event messages
- Addition of the Vaccinations event message
2.0.1-Beta (09/08/2019)
- Improved wording around where the type of sequencing indicator will be defined for each event message to make it more clear that it will be defined per event type.
Generic Publication API Guidance
- Added guidance around batch verification of NHS Numbers not being suitable to meet the NEMS requirements
Generic Subscription API Requirements
- Added guidance around batch verification of NHS Numbers not being suitable to meet the NEMS requirements
Receiver Information Governance
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around data retention
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around data being received only being used for Direct Care
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around lawful basis of receiving data about a patient
Subscription Information Governance
- Page added for IG requirements on the subscriber
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around data being received only being used for Direct Care
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around legitimate relationships for subscribers
- Moved requirements from DPIA into specification around lawful basis of receiving data about a patient
2.0.0-Beta (22/07/2019)
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set (Breaking Change)
- Added page with information on the feedback mechanism for NEMS
Event Lifecycle and Deprecation
- Added page with information on Event-Lifecycle and Deprecation
- Added page with information on Event Message Sequencing
- Removed ITK3 Wrapper from solution (Breaking Change)
- Added requirement highlighting risk around MESH.
Generic Publication API Requirements
- Added clarification on level of NHS Number validation required for NHS numbers used in the event messages.
- Name of page and content changes to match new concept of message header, making this just generic population requirements. Name changed from
Event Header Information
->Generic Requirements
- FHIR Resource profiles updated to use CareConnect profiles rather than EMS profiled fhir resources (Breaking Change)
- Added information about sequencing elements in MessageHeader resource
- Added information about feedback contact information to MessageHeader resource (Breaking Change)
- Added required extension to the MessageHeader resource which MUST contain details of the Patient who is the focus of the event message which will be used for routing to subscribers (Breaking Change)
- Added requirement for new extension
which is use by NEMS for message routing - Added wording to make clear that the MessageHeader will be the first resource in the bundle but other resources may appear in any order and order should not be assumed from the specification order.
Generic Subscription API Requirements
- Added clarification for use of MIME types
- Added clarification on level of NHS Number validation required for NHS numbers used in subscriptions.
- Added additional audit requirements for use of the subscription API
Introduction to National Events Management Service
- Updated wording around definition of what is an event within the context of the NEMS.
- Page divided into two separate pages for the subscription interactions, Read Subscription and Delete Subscription
- Added resource cardinality information to specification
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set (Breaking Change)
- FHIR Resource profiles updated to use CareConnect profiles rather than EMS profiled fhir resources (Breaking Change)
- WorkflowID updated
- Added resource cardinality information to specification
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set (Breaking Change)
- FHIR Resource profiles updated to use CareConnect profiles rather than EMS profiled fhir resources (Breaking Change)
- WorkflowID updated
- Added guidance about volumes and known issues with the way providers update PDS resulting in flip flopping of addresses
- Added resource cardinality information to specification
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set (Breaking Change)
- FHIR Resource profiles updated to use CareConnect profiles rather than EMS profiled fhir resources (Breaking Change)
- WorkflowID updated
- Added resource cardinality information to specification
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set (Breaking Change)
- FHIR Resource profiles updated to use CareConnect profiles rather than EMS profiled fhir resources (Breaking Change)
- WorkflowID updated
- Updated request header
Publisher Information Governance
- Improved audit requirements guidance
- Updated event codes to align with new event type value set
Receiver Information Governance
- Moved the Subscription IG page to the Receiver section as requirements are around audit of received events rather than around use of the subscription API.
- Added additional detail to make clear security requirements
- Added specific requirements around legitimate relationships which originally was in the DPIA
- Added information to the geographical rule based subscriptions section around appropriate use of this type of subscription.