A brief introduction to the priority FGM-IS Service capabilities.

FGM Service is initially focussing on delivering two main interoperability capabilities:

FGM View Only Capability

A ‘view only’ capability within local NHS systems and Spine Mini Service Providers (SMSP). This will allow fully integrated query and response access to national FGM Information Sharing (FGM-IS) from local NHS systems and SMSP’s.

Query for patient FGM status

The FGM client will construct a FHIR FGM query message and send it to the SPINE:

Assuming successful transport, there are three possible outcomes:

  • SPINE rejects the query due to business rules around the query construct
  • SPINE executes the query and there is an FGM-IS entry for the patient
  • SPINE executes the query and there is no FGM-IS entry for the patient

FGM IS Query and Response functionality

This activity diagram below illustrates interactive FGM-IS Query and Response functionality.


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FGM Update Capability

An ‘update’ capability within local NHS systems. Enabling additional create and delete capability for local NHS systems integration to the FGM-IS.

This functionality is only applicable to local NHS IT systems that are Spine compliant and use National Role Based Access Control (RBAC). The FGM-IS can only be updated by authorised healthcare professionals using Smartcards with the correct RBAC activity codes.

Create patient FGM indicator

The FGM-IS client will construct a FHIR create FGM-IS indicator message and send it to the SPINE

Assuming successful transport, there are two possible outcomes:

  • SPINE rejects the create indicator request due to business rules around the message construct
  • SPINE executes the create indicator request and there is an FGM-IS risk entry created for the patient on Spine

Delete patient FGM indicator

The FGM-IS client will construct a FHIR delete FGM-IS indicator request message and send it to the SPINE

Assuming successful transport, there are two possible outcomes:

  • SPINE rejects the delete indicator request due to business rules around the message construct
  • SPINE executes the delete indicator request and the FGM-IS entry is deleted for the patient on Spine
Tags: development