An overview of the main objects used in the API.

Key Concepts


A disposition is an indication of the needs of the patient encompassing both the service required and the urgency. There are many hundreds of dispositions used in NHS Pathways but the currently relevant dispositions are:

Disposition Code Descriptive Name
Dx85 Repeat prescription required within 2 hours
Dx86 Repeat prescription required within 12 hours
Dx87 Repeat prescription required within 24 hours
Dx80 Repeat prescription required within 6 hour

Dispenser Types

There are a number of types of dispensing contractor who can dispense prescriptions. Dispensers are often a part of a chain - these are often termed ‘multiples’. However, presriptions must be sent to and dispensed by a specific dispensing site. These are all individually identified by an ODS code; these have historically started with an ‘F’ and so are often termed ‘F-codes’.

Community Pharmacy

Community pharmacies are probably the most familiar dispenser as these are often seen on high streets. Community Pharmacies must dispense all items on a prescription regardless of cost, but may not have all items immediately available without ordering in.

Dispensing Applicance Contractors

Dispensing Applicance Contractors (DACs) can only dispense applicances listed in part XXX of the NHS Drug Tarrif, and so are unable to dispense medications or reagents. DAcs are only obliged to dispense items they carry in the normal course of their business and many are quite specialised in only dealing with ostomy bags or foodstuffs for example. Many work on the basis of providing a delivery service so can’t be attended in person by a patient. Distance Selling Pharmacies are not included in the scope of the EPS DoS API.

Distance Selling Pharmacies

Distance Selling Pharmacies work with a similar scope to Community Pharmacies, and as such can dispense both medications and applicances but they operate on a delivery-only model and like many DACs do not have a dispensary that can be attended in person by a patient. Distance Selling Pharmacies are not included in the scope of the EPS DoS API, but there have been some cases of miscategorisation within the Pathways DoS which could result in them being displayed.

EPS-enabled dispensers

Any of the dispenser types above can be enabled to dispense EPS Release 2 prescriptions, and the vast majority can do. The small number of non EPS-enabled dispensers are not included in EPS DoS API results.

Dispensing Doctors

Dispensing doctors can dispense for their own dispensing patients but are not included in the EPS DoS API.

Further Reading