Lasting Power of Attorney
This group of data records and transmits the current, ruling LPA information for this patient. This includes coded data to indicate the presence of LPA (or similar) for the patient and a list of those people to which the power has been conferred. This data could change at any time and updates will be recorded as a result of an encounter with, or communication from, the patient. It should be noted that this information only records the presence of an LPA on not whether that LPA has been exercised on any particular occasion.
The following FHIR profiles are used to form the Lasting Power of Attorney Atomic Unit:
Lasting Power of Attorney data item mapping to FHIR profiles
The Lasting Power of Attorney data items are fulfilled by elements within the FHIR resources listed below:
EOL Data Item | FHIR resource element | Mandatory/Required/Optional | |
Lasting Power of Attorney For Health and Welfare | EOL-LPA-Flag-1.code | Mandatory | |
Contact Relationship | EOL-LPA-RelatedPerson-1.relationship.code | Mandatory | |
Contact Name | | Mandatory | |
Contact Type | EOL-LPA-RelatedPerson-1.telecom.use | Mandatory | |
Contact Detail | EOL-LPA-RelatedPerson-1.telecom.value | Mandatory |
Lasting Power of Attorney ERD
Business Rule
The EOL-LPA-Flag-1 MUST exist where an EOL-LPA-RelatedPerson-1 instance exists. This flag MUST be created when a related person instance is created with LPA relationship types. The flag indicates the presence of one or more RelatedPerson instances that may be used to identiofy person or persons who have the power to make critical decisions where the patient is unable to do so.