Design and Build APIs guidance

1. API

This page provides an overview of the FHIR STU3 Resources that are required to build the required API messaging. Each link will take you to the resource page detail with a link to the Structure Definitions of each resource.

The previous Atomic Units concept has been moved to the Design & Build section where the API is defined.

2. API calls - ALL

The simplified call to return an EoLC message follows a RESTful FHIR Request, which

GET {BASE_URL}/QuestionnaireResponse?_id={id}&_include=*

The Questionnaire gist (also known as the spreadsheet in FHIR format) returns:

Go to Gist link

This simplifies building the payload+api while also putting rigid rules on the payload. The rules have been formed with the EoLC project team.

UPDATE required - An example payload response (the payload conforms to the definition in the Questionnaire)

Go to Gist link

The queries for the api can be:



The supports the standard operations in

3. API calls - NONE

Calling a blank EOLC QuestionnaireResponse payload from the Questionnaire.

4. [COMING SOON] API calls - Partial resources

COMING SOON - The API can also be called partially which matches the Atomic Units and calling invidual or combination of resources:

  • Ability to return parts of the dataset (atomic units) as required. With Questionnaire the top level items will correspond to an atomic unit
  • Ability to generate a EOL on demand. This can be based on the FHIR Questionnaire operation $populate

5. Extensibility

To support connection with NRLS the following could be used $populate and $populatehtml.

Tags: fhir rest