Digital Child Health Service - Events Catalogue


This MedicationStatement Resource is a record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient.

NameCard.TypeDescription & Constraints
..MedicationStatementDomainResourceRecord of medication being taken by a patient

...id0..1IdLogical id of this artifact

...meta0..1MetaMetadata about the resource

...implicitRules0..1UriA set of rules under which this content was created

...language0..1CodeLanguage of the resource content
Binding A human language. (
Binding Strength Required

...text0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation

...contained0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources

...reasonForUse0..*ExtensionReason medication is being/was taken

...reasonEnded0..1ExtensionWhy prescription was stopped

...quantityToSupply0..1ExtensionAmount of medication to supply per dispense

...lastIssueDate0..1ExtensionThe date a prescription was last issued

...repeatInformation0..1ExtensionMedication repeat information

...flag0..*ExtensionFlags related to the patient's medications

...identifier0..*IdentifierExternal identifier

....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

....use0..1Codeusual | official | temp | secondary (If known)
Binding Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . (
Binding Strength Required

....type0..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. (
Binding Strength Extensible

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....coding0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......system0..1UriIdentity of the terminology system

......version0..1StringVersion of the system - if relevant

......code0..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

......display0..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

......userSelected0..1BooleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user

.....text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

....system1..1UriThe namespace for the identifier
Example Value or urn:ietf:rfc:3986 if the Identifier.value itself is a full uri

....value1..1StringThe value that is unique
Example Value 123456

....period0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....start0..1DateTimeStarting time with inclusive boundary

.....end0..1DateTimeEnd time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing

....assigner0..1Reference (CareConnect-DCH-Organization-1)Organization that issued id (may be just text)

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....reference0..1StringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference

.....display0..1StringText alternative for the resource

...patient1..1Reference (CareConnect-DCH-Patient-1)Who is/was taking the medication

....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

....reference0..1StringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference

....display0..1StringText alternative for the resource

...informationSource0..1Reference (RelatedPerson | CareConnect-DCH-Practitioner-1 | CareConnect-DCH-Patient-1)A reference from one resource to another

...dateAsserted0..1DateTimeWhen the statement was asserted?

...status1..1Codeactive | completed | entered-in-error | intended
Binding A set of codes indicating the current status of a MedicationStatement. (
Binding Strength Required

...wasNotTaken0..1BooleanTrue if medication is/was not being taken

...reasonNotTaken0..*CodeableConceptTrue if asserting medication was not given
Binding A set of codes indicating the reason why the MedicationAdministration is negated. (
Binding Strength Example

....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

....coding0..*Code defined by a terminology system
Slice: Ordering: Unordered, Discriminator: system, Rules: Open

....coding (SNOMED CT)0..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....snomedCTDescriptionID0..1ExtensionThe SNOMED CT Description ID for the display

.....system1..1UriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value

.....code1..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

.....display1..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

.....userSelected0..1BooleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user

....text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

...effective[x]0..1DateTime | PeriodOver what period was medication consumed?

...note0..1StringFurther information about the statement

...supportingInformation0..*Reference (Resource)Additional supporting information

....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

....reference0..1StringRelative, internal or absolute URL reference

....display0..1StringText alternative for the resource

...medication[x]1..1CodeableConcept | CareConnect-DCH-Medication-1What medication was taken
Binding A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a manufactured material (e.g. a pharmaceutical product or personal medical device). (
Binding Strength Required

...dosage0..1BackboneElementDetails of how medication was taken

....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

....additionalInstructions0..1ExtensionSupplemental instructions - e.g. "with meals"

....text1..1StringReported dosage information

....timing0..1TimingWhen/how often was medication taken

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....event0..1DateTimeWhen the event occurs

.....repeat0..1ElementWhen the event is to occur

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......bounds[x] (Duration)0..1Duration | Range | PeriodLength/Range of lengths, or (Start and/or end) limits

......count0..1IntegerNumber of times to repeat

......duration0..1DecimalHow long when it happens

......durationMax0..1DecimalHow long when it happens (Max)

......durationUnits0..1Codes | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
Binding A unit of time (units from UCUM). (
Binding Strength Required

......frequency0..1IntegerEvent occurs frequency times per period
Default Value 1

......frequencyMax0..1IntegerEvent occurs up to frequencyMax times per period

......period0..1DecimalEvent occurs frequency times per period

......periodMax0..1DecimalUpper limit of period (3-4 hours)

......periodUnits0..1Codes | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
Binding A unit of time (units from UCUM). (
Binding Strength Required

......when0..1CodeRegular life events the event is tied to
Binding Real world event that the relating to the schedule. (
Binding Strength Required

.....code0..1CodeableConceptQD | QOD | Q4H | Q6H | BID | TID | QID | AM | PM +
Binding Code for a known / defined timing pattern. (
Binding Strength Preferred

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......coding0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system

.......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.......system0..1UriIdentity of the terminology system

.......version0..1StringVersion of the system - if relevant

.......code0..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

.......display0..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

.......userSelected0..1BooleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user

......text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

....asNeeded[x]0..1Boolean | CodeableConceptTake "as needed" (for x)
Binding A coded concept identifying the precondition that should be met or evaluated prior to consuming or administering a medication dose. For example "pain", "30 minutes prior to sexual intercourse", "on flare-up" etc. (
Binding Strength Example[x]0..1CodeableConcept | BodySiteWhere (on body) medication is/was administered
Binding A coded concept describing the site location the medicine enters into or onto the body. (
Binding Strength Example

....route0..1CodeableConceptHow the medication entered the body
Binding A coded concept describing the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto the body of a subject. (
Binding Strength Example

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....coding0..*Code defined by a terminology system
Slice: Ordering: Unordered, Discriminator: system, Rules: Open

.....coding (SNOMED CT)0..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system
Binding A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the e-Prescribing route of administration. (
Binding Strength Preferred

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......snomedCTDescriptionID0..1ExtensionThe SNOMED CT Description ID for the display

......system1..1UriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value

......code1..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

......display1..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

......userSelected0..1BooleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user

.....text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

....method0..1CodeableConceptTechnique used to administer medication
Binding A coded concept describing the technique by which the medicine is administered. (
Binding Strength Example

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....coding0..*Code defined by a terminology system
Slice: Ordering: Unordered, Discriminator: system, Rules: Open

.....coding (SNOMED CT)0..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system
Binding A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the e-Prescribing method. (
Binding Strength Preferred

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......snomedCTDescriptionID0..1ExtensionThe SNOMED CT Description ID for the display

......system1..1UriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value

......code1..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

......display1..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

......userSelected0..1BooleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user

.....text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

....quantityQuantity (SimpleQuantity)0..1SimpleQuantityAmount administered in one dose

....rate[x]0..1Ratio | RangeDose quantity per unit of time

....maxDosePerPeriod0..1RatioMaximum dose that was consumed per unit of time

.....id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

.....numerator0..1QuantityNumerator value

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......value0..1DecimalNumerical value (with implicit precision)

......comparator0..1Code< | <= | >= | > - how to understand the value
Binding How the Quantity should be understood and represented. (
Binding Strength Required

......unit0..1StringUnit representation

......system0..1UriSystem that defines coded unit form

......code0..1CodeCoded form of the unit

.....denominator0..1QuantityDenominator value

......id0..1Idxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)

......value0..1DecimalNumerical value (with implicit precision)

......comparator0..1Code< | <= | >= | > - how to understand the value
Binding How the Quantity should be understood and represented. (
Binding Strength Required

......unit0..1StringUnit representation

......system0..1UriSystem that defines coded unit form

......code0..1CodeCoded form of the unit

Name Type Description & Constraints
. . Extension-CareConnect-DCH-ReasonCondition-1 Extension The reason why a resource was added/performed/given. This may be due to a Condition, may be coded entity of some type, or may simply be present as text.
. . Extension-CareConnect-MedicationStatementReasonEnded-1 Extension The reason why the prescription was stopped, if it was.
. . Extension-CareConnect-MedicationStatementQuantity-1 Extension Indicates the amount of medication to supply per dispense.
. . Extension-CareConnect-MedicationStatementLastIssueDate-1 Extension Indicates the date a prescription was last issued.
. . Extension-CareConnect-MedicationRepeatInformation-1 Extension Indicates the specific repeat information of a medication item.
. . Extension-CareConnect-DCH-MedicationFlag-1 Extension This Extension is used to specify the flags related to the patient's medications.
. . Extension-coding-sctdescid Extension This Extension resource is constrained to support SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
. . Extension-CareConnect-MedicationDosageAdditionalInstructions-1 Extension Additional instructions such as "Swallow with plenty of water" which may or may not be coded.
. . Extension-coding-sctdescid Extension This Extension resource is constrained to support SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
. . Extension-coding-sctdescid Extension This Extension resource is constrained to support SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.
Path Name Binding Strength ValueSet
.MedicationStatement.language language Required
.MedicationStatement.identifier.use use Required
.MedicationStatement.identifier.type type Extensible
.MedicationStatement.status status Required
.MedicationStatement.reasonNotTaken reasonNotTaken Example
.MedicationStatement.medication[x] medication[x] Required
.MedicationStatement.dosage.timing.repeat.durationUnits durationUnits Required
.MedicationStatement.dosage.timing.repeat.periodUnits periodUnits Required
.MedicationStatement.dosage.timing.repeat.when when Required
.MedicationStatement.dosage.timing.code code Preferred
.MedicationStatement.dosage.asNeeded[x] asNeeded[x] Example[x] site[x] Example
.MedicationStatement.dosage.route route Example
.MedicationStatement.dosage.route.coding SNOMED CT Preferred
.MedicationStatement.dosage.method method Example
.MedicationStatement.dosage.method.coding SNOMED CT Preferred
.MedicationStatement.dosage.maxDosePerPeriod.numerator.comparator comparator Required