307087004 |
Able to analyze information (finding)
395662007 |
Able to comprehend concept of danger (finding)
719750006 |
Able to comprehend language (finding)
719362007 |
Able to comprehend speech (finding)
719382006 |
Able to comprehend written material (finding)
719734003 |
Able to identify choices (finding)
304687006 |
Able to make considered choices (finding)
720438009 |
Able to make decision on safe entry of visitors (finding)
716415003 |
Able to make decision on safe information to give over telephone (finding)
719743007 |
Able to make decisions (finding)
719734003 |
Able to make informed choice (finding)
307083000 |
Able to process information (finding)
311538008 |
Able to process information accurately (finding)
311541004 |
Able to process information at normal speed (finding)
334751000000101 |
Able to react to an emergency (finding)
309251006 |
Able to read (finding)
309251006 |
Able to tell the time (finding)
281136009 |
Able to think abstractly (finding)
225662002 |
Able to think clearly (finding)
716454002 |
Able to think creatively (finding)
285256006 |
Able to think independently (finding)
719350008 |
Able to understand verbal language (finding)
719365009 |
Able to understand written language (finding)
304650003 |
Able to use decision making strategies (finding)
304664003 |
Able to use verbal reasoning (finding)
323351000000104 |
Anxiety about mood (finding)
225642005 |
Anxiety about not coping with parenthood (finding)
225638007 |
Anxiety about resuming sexual relations (finding)
50829006 |
Basic learning problem (finding)
81511006 |
Basic learning problem in language (finding)
23766009 |
Basic learning problem in reading (finding)
45418009 |
Basic learning problem in speaking (finding)
46781003 |
Basic learning problem in writing (finding)
18541000119100 |
Borderline cognitive developmental delay (disorder)
142261000119100 |
Cognitive deficit in attention (finding)
425805004 |
Cognitive developmental delay (disorder)
397699006 |
Demonstrates knowledge of medication management (finding)
397598006 |
Demonstrates knowledge of nutritional requirements related to operative procedure (finding)
708571001 |
Demonstrates knowledge of who to contact in medical emergency (finding)
307089001 |
Difficulty analyzing information (finding)
395664008 |
Difficulty comprehending concept of danger (finding)
716474009 |
Difficulty comprehending language (finding)
716475005 |
Difficulty comprehending speech (finding)
716476006 |
Difficulty comprehending written material (finding)
4941000175101 |
Difficulty following instructions (finding)
285257002 |
Difficulty in thinking independently (finding)
304689009 |
Difficulty making considered choices (finding)
247585004 |
Difficulty making decisions (finding)
247584000 |
Difficulty making plans (finding)
307085007 |
Difficulty processing information (finding)
311540003 |
Difficulty processing information accurately (finding)
311543001 |
Difficulty processing information at normal speed (finding)
334761000000103 |
Difficulty reacting to an emergency (finding)
309253009 |
Difficulty reading (finding)
304644008 |
Difficulty reasoning (finding)
247582001 |
Difficulty solving problems (finding)
285628005 |
Difficulty telling the time (finding)
716477002 |
Difficulty understanding instructions of more than two parts (finding)
716478007 |
Difficulty understanding more than three word instructions (finding)
716479004 |
Difficulty understanding one part instructions (finding)
716480001 |
Difficulty understanding single word instructions (finding)
716481002 |
Difficulty understanding three word instructions (finding)
716482009 |
Difficulty understanding two part instructions (finding)
716483004 |
Difficulty understanding two word instructions (finding)
716484005 |
Difficulty understanding verbal language (finding)
716485006 |
Difficulty understanding written language (finding)
304652006 |
Difficulty using decision making strategies (finding)
304666001 |
Difficulty using verbal reasoning (finding)
716490009 |
Does comprehend language (finding)
716491008 |
Does comprehend speech (finding)
716492001 |
Does comprehend written material (finding)
334781000000107 |
Does react to an emergency (finding)
247588002 |
Poor long-term memory (finding)
247592009 |
Poor short-term memory (finding)
247627003 |
Slow flow of thought (finding)
224998004 |
Slow learner (finding)
285243004 |
Sluggish thought (finding)
225640002 |
Worried about being a bad father (finding)
225640002 |
Worried about being a bad mother (finding)
225639004 |
Worried about not coping with baby (finding)